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Math 497 Spring '07
Making Sense of the Concept of Limit in Calculus?

Instructor: Prof. Stephen Monk
Office: C-339 Padelford Hall

Office Hours: Wednesday 12:30-1:30


Phone: (206) 362-1439

E-Post URL:

Course description and expectations:

Although it is one of the most important ideas in calculus, the concept of limit remains an extremely elusive one for most students. Few have any sense of the role it plays in the subject, the questions it helps us address, or the broader mathematical ideas that lie behind it. Because of the way limits are treated in elementary calculus courses, students tend to see the concept as part of the "theory" of calculus, of interest to mathematicians, and having little to do with the way they use or understand calculus themselves.

The concept of limit is one of the great mathematical achievements of all time. It is the capstone of an intellectual struggle, going back to the Ancient Greeks, in which mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers have addressed the problems and paradoxes of infinite processes: How can we add an infinite set of numbers? How can we measure the area of a region with a curved boundary, if measuring area means the counting the number of unit squares that fit into a region? How can we talk about rate of change at an instant, if, by definition, change has to occur over a period of positive duration? The Greeks made important contributions to the solution of some of these problems. But even the great Newton and Leibniz, the inventors of calculus, failed to solve these problems in a way that was completely satisfactory to their contemporaries or able to withstand the test of time. It was not until the second half of the 19th century that mathematicians were able to completely and rigorously solve these problems. Doing so required that they rethink and rework many of the main ideas of mathematics, including the concept of function and our system of real numbers. Although satisfying to mathematicians, this solution has the unfortunate quality of being completely removed from common-sense notions of area, rate of change, and number, as well as from ordinary ways of thinking and speaking. After 2,500 years of confusion and error, they were willing to pay a very high price in intuitive appeal in order to get things right!!

In this course, we will go back to the underlying difficulties involved in analyzing and understanding infinite processes and explore how the Greeks dealt with them. We will study approaches to solving these problems developed between the 15th and 18th centuries, as a way of grappling further with these issues, as well as to make connections between the way one normally thinks about concepts like area, rate of change, and number, and the highly formalized and abstract concept of limit we see in calculus textbooks today.

Although this course will draw heavily on historical material, it is not a systematic course in the history of calculus. A wide variety of examples of mathematical problems, many of them historical, will be discussed. These will be used as to investigate the problems inherent in the analysis of infinite processes and to develop careful and rigorous ways to deal with them. The goal is to slowly build an understanding of infinite processes from which the particular approach to describing them developed in the 19th century can make sense.

The work of this course will consist of in-class discussions based on homework assignments that involve reading about the underlying mathematical ideas, solving mathematics problems, and reflecting on classroom discussions. Students will write two brief papers on these mathematical ideas. There will be no examinations.

Students will be expected to be familiar with first-year college calculus. But more important, they should be willing to think about and discuss a variety of approaches to mathematical concepts.

This course and Math 421. There is very little overlap between them.

If you would like more information about this course, just click on names of documents under Information for prospective students, or contact Steve Monk.


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