[See Palmer and Colton, Chapter 3, Section l6]

    GOLDEN BULL of 1356: 7 electors (princes) choose Emperor
       secular princs: King of Bohemia, Margrave of Brandenburg
                            Elector of Saxony, Elector Palatine (Palatinate)
       ecclesiastical princes: Archbishops of Mainz, Cologne, Trier

   1555 PEACE OF AUGSBURG:  final settlement of the German Reformation
     1. Cuius regio, eius religio (whose the reign, his the religion)
           basic principle of political/religious settlement in Germany
           confirms princely autonomy and sovereignty; defeat for Empire
     2. church lands seized before 1552 are to remain Lutheran, but: 
     3. ecclesiastical reservation:  if any ecclesiastical prince
           (i.e. Archbishop, Bishop or Abbot) converts to Lutheranism after
           1552, title, land & privileges are forfeited to Catholic Church

   1556 Emperor Charles V abdicates,
        retires to monastery, divides Empire between
            brother Emp. Ferdinand I (Austria & HRE) &
        son King Phillip II (Spain & New World)

II. Religious Tension within Holy Roman Empire [HRE]

A.  Problems with Peace of Augusburg 1555:
    1. Ecclesiastical Reservation: prohibits Catholic Bishops
       who convert to Lutheranism after 1552 from keeping territory;
       widely violated in late 16th-17th C "scramble for Bishoprics"
    2. cuius regio, eius religio: choice of religion applies only to
       Catholics & Lutherans; Calvinism excluded in Empire

B.  Bohemian (Czech) Hussite (Utraquist) Church founded 1438
                   after execution of John Hus at Council of Constance (1414)
    1. Counter Reformation effort to re-Catholicize Bohemia begins with
           Archduke Ferdinand's election as King of Bohemia 1617, Emperor l6l9-37
    2. Czech revolt: Protest over Ferdinand's Catholic policies
 Ferdinand's representatives subjected to traditional Bohemian protest gesture
            thrown from window in act of  symbolic rebellion against Emperor (survived)
        b) 1619 lmperial election of Emperor Ferdinand II: Bohemian nobility
             deposes Ferdinand as King; elects Protestant Calvinist Prince,
             Frederick V of Palatinate (1596-1632) who leads their revolt
       c) 1620  BATTLE OF WHITE MOUNTAIN:  defeat  of  Bohemians leads to
            suppression of Utraquist Church, confiscation of noble lands;
            Jesuits sent to re-catholicize Czechs = end of Bohemian state
       d) political result: Palatinate divided between Bavaria & Hapsburg Spain;
           electoral vote goes to Catholic King of Bavaria, giving Hapsburgs a
           Catholic majority of electors

III. Thirty Years' War: from German civil war to European wide conflict

      1618-1620  Bohemian Phase = Hapsburg victory
            Coalition of Protestant Princes aided by Danish Lutheran King Christian
      1629 Edict of Restitution = high point of Hapsburg power
          Calvinism outlawed in Empire;
          Lutherans required to return Church property secularized since 1552
      1630  Swedish King Gustavus Adolphus invades to support Princes
      1635-1648       French lntervention under Cardinal Richilieu :
           revival of French-Imperial conflict (now Hapsburg vs Bourbon)
      1648 Peace of Westphalia: confirms Peace of Augsburg and the political
                    fragmentation of German Empire; end of Hapsburg hopes for unified
                    monarchy; victory for German Protestant Princes (until Napoleon)

IV. General Interpretations 30 Years War

1. last of post Reformation religious wars; end of hopes for religious unity
2. continuation of French - Hapsburg struggle (Hapsburg Valois Wars 1512-1559)
3. conflict between Emperor & German Princes
4. new kind of warfare: multiple armies, mercenaries, famine & plague

sacking & looting of towns; population loss: about 1/3 of population dies
5. first anti-war novel: picaresque story of peasant adrift in war
         Grimmelshausen, Simplicius Simplicissimus (l668)