1793  April: Institutions used in the Terror put in place by the Convention
       REVOLUTIONARY TRIBUNAL set up to hear cases of treason against Revolution
       COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY elected to monitor Convention Executive Council

THE TERROR July 1793-July 1794: CPS as chief administrative, policy making body
June 93 purge of Girondins in Convention as "enemies of the people"
            govt. declared "revolutionary until the peace," extensive new powers
            granted by "law of revolutionary government" to
     COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY: 9-12 members [see movie Danton]
              famous names: ROBESPIERRE, SAINT-JUST, COUTHON
              this committee enacts revolutionary and wartime legislation:
     LEVÉE EN MASSE = universal conscription, unmarried men 18-25
            army increases: 1793: 650,000; 1794: 850,000
     WAR EFFORT: army pushes back borders to "natural frontiers" of France
                   Rhine, Alps, Pyrenees and Atlantic
     LAW OF MAXIMUM: price and wage controls to limit inflation;
            break with  free trade policy; assignat rises to 50% of face value
July 93 assassination of radical Jean Paul Marat by Charlotte Corday (Girondist)             
     LAW OF SUSPECTS: imprisonment for all suspected of Counter-Revol activity
     REVOLUTIONARY TRIBUNAL executes Marie Antoinette, Mme du Barry; Brissot...
       Statistics: 14,000 executed in Revolutionary Courts throughout France
            social origins of victims of terror:
                  clergy 7%   upper bourgeoisie 14%        working class 31% 
                  nobles 8%   lower bourgeoisie 11%        peasants 28%        

      radical anti-clerical program begins with abolition of Christian calendar

    22 Sept 1792 = day 1 year 1; three 10 day weeks = month
    months renamed in "naturalistic" style: vendemaire (grape harvest)
    brumaire (misty) frumaire (frosty) thermidor (hot) fructidor (fruit harvest)

For the entire calendar, take a look at

ICONOCLASM (= "breaking the idols"): attacks on churches, religious statues, art
November 1793: all churches in Paris closed by Revolutionary Commune
     Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris becomes "Temple of Reason"
    "Festival of Liberty" celebrated; Rousseau & Voltaire = revolutionary saints

    provincial lawyer from Arras, 1788 elected as deputy to Third Estate
    member Jacobin Club; anti-monarchical republican & democrat; skilled orator
    helps undermine the constitutional monarchy by proposing the "self
          denying ordinance" in 1791 (which prohibited members of National
          Assembly from standing for election to Legislative Assembly)
    1792: opposes war; part of revolutionary govt of city of Paris (Commune);
          elected to Convention from Paris, key opponent of Girondins

Intellectual influences: IDEOLOGY OF REPUBLICAN VIRTUE
      1) classics: Greece & Rome as models of republican virtue 
      2) Rousseau: sovereignty of people, republic of small property holders;
            civil religion to instill political unity, virtue; general will
      3) Montesquieu: sees virtue as natural characteristic of a republic

Political program: popular sovereignty will lead to virtue, public morality,
    but first eliminate the corruption introduced under despotism through terror

JUSTIFICATION FOR THE TERROR:  Robespierre, Speech of Feb. 1794
"It has been said that terror is the means by which despotic governments rule. 
But when you put down the enemies of freedom by means of terror, you are
justified as founders of the Republic. Revolutionary Government  is the
despotism of liberty against tyranny.
Must might be used only to protect crimes?” 

February 1794: Abolition of slavery in French Colonies. Decree states: "the Convention
declares the slavery of the Blacks abolished in all the colonies; consequently, all men,
irrespective of color, living in the colonies are French citizens and will enjoy all the rights
provided by the Constitution." (However, Napoleon restored in 1802, only definitively abolished in
1848 by the Second Republic)

PROPAGANDA: needed to encourage positive attitudes to the revolution
      organized by Jacobin Club: speeches, pamphlets, journals, newspapers
      revolutionary pageants: e.g. dedication of Temple of Reason
      national system of education: goal of universal primary education, literacy

CIVIL RELIGION: inspired by 1) Deism; 2) Rousseau's idea of civil religion;
      June 1794: establishes CULT OF SUPREME BEING;
                       religion of REPUBLIC OF VIRTUE
      Robespierre opposed to Atheism and Cult of Reason: republic needs religion

      Left: Hebert & the Hebertists - executed March 1794, after disbanding of
        "Revolutionary army" of 2-3,000 men radical enrages & sans culottes in
        Parisian commune forced requisition food from countryside, attack churches
      Right: Danton executed April 1794; radical republican orator, but falls due
        reputation for financial corruption (bribes) & opposition to Robespierre

Acceleration of the terror: March 1793-June 1794 = 1,251 executions
      Law of 22 prairial (10 June 1794): no defense permitted before Revolutionary
            Tribunals; only two verdicts allowed -- acquittal or death
      Result:   10 June 1794 - 27 July 1794 = 1,376 executions   

COUP D'ÉTAT OF THERMIDOR (July 1794): overthrow of Robespierre by members of
             Convention who fear they are next on list of CPS
      "White Terror" -- execution of 72 leading Jacobins in one day    
       new executive = Directory: beginning of counter revolution