COUP D'ÉTAT OF THERMIDOR (July 1794): overthrow of Robespierre
           by members of  Convention who fear they are next on list of those targeted by the Committe of Public Safety
"White Terror" -- execution of 72 leading Jacobins in one day     
             new executive = Directory: beginning of counter revolution, but still a Republican govt.

DIRECTORY:     purge of Jacobins, Parisian left leads to revolt within a year
                        Directory as wealthy, middle class government; society of nouveaux riche

REVOLT OF GERMINAL (Spring 1795): Parisian sans culottes riot,
          call for "bread & Constitution of 1793," but no more political support;
          rising suppressed by the National Guard; Paris Commune & CPS abolished;
royalist hopes for restoration of Louis XVII end: death in prison 1795 

CONSTITUTION OF THE YEAR III (= third constitution),1795 indirect elections (electors)
      abolition of universal male suffrage, vote returned to property holders
      separation of legislative (Council of 500) and executive (Directory = 5 men)
      disenfranchisement of priests, émigres, Jacobins

Opposition to Directory:
RISING OF VENDEMAIRE (October 1795) Parisian population rises against Directory
            suppressed by young General Bonaparte; 200-300 killed; army enters politics
            Bonaparte rewarded with command of army in Italy

LEFT: Conspiracy of Equals BABEUF: first French communist; theory of "property as theft"
           Babeuf was editor of radical newspaper <The Tribune of the People> arrested and executed
excerpts in Censer and Hunt, pp. 25-28)

RIGHT: Royalists: = majority in Legislative body in 1797 = wrong result for Republican Directory

COUP D'ÉTAT OF FRUCTIDOR 1797: Army occupies Paris to prevent royalist takeover
            first free elections of French Revolution annulled.

RISE OF NAPOLEON: 1796 Italian army creates Cisalpine Republic in Italy
        1797 Camp Formio: end of Venetian Republic:
                 Venice given to Austria in exchange for recognition of
                Napoleon's conquest of Belgium, left bank of Rhine, Italy
       1798 invasion of Egypt by Napoleon, aimed against British control of seas
               Nelson's British fleet destroys French naval vessels, soldiers marooned in Egypt               

Abbé Sieyès, one of Directors, wants to strengthen executive power
            turns to Bonaparte, who returns from Egypt to carry out coup, calls for plebiscite to confirm
            new system of government called the Consulatet

THE CONSULATE 1799 -1804 (next government is the Empire)