Xeroxed Readings for second half of quarter (also available in xerox packet)

Week 10 Critics and skeptics

Cyrano de Bergerac and Malebranche (in xerox packet)

Optional article on women: Lyndal Roper "W/C and fantasy"      (on lying in maids)   

 Week 9 Spain and Italy

SPAIN: Henningsen, article on Spanish witch trials
              Report by Inquisitor Fra Alonso Salazar

ITALY: The benandanti in Italy: counter witches in Friuli, NE Italy

           Carlo Ginzburg on the benandanti-- three separate links:

                 1)  Ginzburg, pp 1-20 (these are included in xerox packet)

                 2)  Ginzburg, pp 22-39 (these are NOT included in xerox packet: please read as well)

 Benandanti trial transcripts, 1575 (these are included in xerox packet: use for section Friday)

            O'Neil article on magical healing in Italy (Modena)

Week 8 Salem Discussion Friday May 24th

Medical and drug theories of w/c


Week 7 Discussion Friday May 17th

Trial of Walpurga Hausmann

Monter on France

Midelfort on Germany

Larner on England and Scotland


Week 6 -- Discussion Friday May 10th

Johan Brenz, On Hailstorms

Weyer Bodin Debate




Week 10 Critics and skeptics:

Critics and skeptics: Cyrano and Malebranche: -- link still to be posted