Christianity in the Roman Empire:

1st C AD/CE   Christianity: New Testament writings
313                   Emperor Constantine tolerates Christianity in Empire
325                        Council of  Nicea: enforcement of orthodoxy
                               expulsion of Arian heretics from Empire
390                  Emperor Theodosius makes Christianity
                              official religion of the Roman Empire:
                              prohibits pagan sacrifice in city of Rome

410                  Sack of Rome by Visigoths (German tribe)

5th C:               St. Augustine – major Christian theologian
                                converted from Manichaean heresy (dualist)
                               City of God: sack of Rome shows that Rome is only "city of man"
                                          true permanence lies in "city of God" = heavenly kingdom
                               On Christian Teaching
                                          paganism as idolatry & demon worship

5-9th C: Germanic invasions & kingdoms      
                 barbarian legal codes as source for early medieval
                        witch beliefs especially striga          
                Lombards in Italy: Lombard Code of King Rothar (643)
               Salic Law in France

 Conversion of Europe           
             Pope Gregory the Great (d. 604)
             sends Augustine to  convert Angles & Saxons in English
                    letter on gradual conversion
                    in Bede’s History of English Church & People

             Charlemagne – King of Franks, conqueror of Lombards,
                         crowned Emperor in Rome 800 AD
forcible conversion of Slavs & other conquered tribes
growing influence of Christianity 

Attitude of church:

Early medieval church documents expressing skepticism about reality of popular beliefs about nightflying with Diana and striga:

10th c. CE        Canon Episcopi (906 ca) instruction to Bishops
later included in Gratian’s Decretum (1140)
                                      (compilation of canon law)

11th c. CE        Burchard of Worms – (1008-1012 ca)
  Corrector sive Medicus Rusticorum
  (genre of penitential canons: guide for confessors)

1095   First Crusade: following by increased trade, commerce

           Enemy threatening Christendom = Islam
           Enemy within = Jews: massacres in Rhineland 1296

12th –13th C.    rise of towns & of heretical groups

Cathars (or Albigensians) = dualists,  “medieval Manicheans,”
            1220-1229 Albigensian Crusade:
                               military suppression by  King of France
            1230's Inquisition founded to eliminate remaining Cathar beliefs

Waldensians: founded by Peter of Waldo “Poor of Lyons”
apostolic poverty, anti-clerical wealth

Fraticelli: Italian radical group, emphasize Christian poverty (Cohn)

13th C. Orthodox response to heresy:

    Mendicant Orders: poverty & preaching (anti-heretical)
                  Dominicans (St. Dominic, southern France)
                  Franciscans (St. Francis, Italy)

    Universities & development of scholasticism
                   Thomas Aquinas – Summa theologiae
                    demonology & diabolical pact

    Inquisition founded 1230’s:
      Conrad of Marburg as early inquisitor in Germany
St. Dominic as first official Inquisitor

    Demonization of the medieval heretics (see Cohn)

Early 14th C. Sorcery trials (see Cohn)

Context of France – King Philip IV  of France
                                  Avignon Papacy, 1305-1378

Inquisitorial jurisdiction over sorcery:
                 John XXII Super Illius Specula 1326-1330

15th C     Witch trials (begin in Switzerland)

            1397-1400  trial of Stedeln by Peter von Greyerz
                               described in early witch treatise (one section on w/c),
Johannes Nider  – Formicarius (1435-38) title = Antheap

Italy 1420’s
       Bernardino of Siena  – Against Women Sorcerers (1427)
Franciscan preacher, witch trials in Rome, Todi (central Italy)

Switzerland & France 1420’s – 1460’s (see lecture notes)

Germany 1484-1486   trials conducted by Dominicans

            Kramer and Sprenger  - Malleus Maleficarum (1487) 

            authorized by

            Pope Innocent VIII  – Summis desiderantes affectibus (1484) Witch Bull

14th-17th C. Little Ice Age : end of "medieval warm" era
           see attached image