2nd year Japanese Oral Interview Grading Rubrics
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Comprehension You understood the question(s) asked without requesting clarification and appeared to be able to answer the question(s). We do not grade whether or not you answered the question(s) using grammatical sentence(s). Before fully understanding and appearing to be ready to answer the question(s) asked, you needed clarification, We do not grade whether or not you answered the question(s) using grammatical sentence(s). Even with supplementary clarification, you appeared to not understand and be ready to answer the question(s) asked. We do not grade whether or not you answered the question(s) using grammatical sentence(s). Despite supplementary clarification, you did not understand and was not ready to answer the questions asked. Your answers were on wrong topic(s). We do not grade whether or not you answered the question(s) using grammatical sentence(s).
Expressions Your answers were not just a simple sentences but also included additional information supporting your answers. You answered the questions correctly but only sporadically included additional information to support your answers. Your answers consists mostly of statements directed to the questions and no additional information supporting the answers. Your answeres were not comprehensible due to lack of appropriate expressions used.
Pronuncation/Sentence Structures Pronunciation and sentence structures were mostly clear and appropriate. More than 90% of the utterances were comprehensible enough to be able to communicate without problems. Pronuncation and sentence structures were sufficiently clear and appropriate but occationally the listener has to support your utterances sympathitically (by paraphrasing, confirming, etc.) However, communication is mostly established without problems. Pronunciation and/or sentence structures have/has some flaws to the extent that even being sympathetic, some communication is difficult to establish. Neither pronuncation nor sentence structures were clear or appropriate to the extent that most communicable exchange is impossible to establish. Apparently, materials covered in the course were not learned significantly.
One minute speech The speech was obviously made on your own and consisted of topics and sentence structures/expressions that you can handle. Apparently, you understood what you were talking about and reflect your classroom performance. Occasionally, topics and/or sentence structures/expressions that you cannot comprehend were included. However, the speech generally reflect your classroom performance. There were a number of cases where something that we have not observed in your classroom performance are found and we could not determine whether or not you understood what your speech was about. However, you clearly prepared well for the performance. There were a number of cases where something that we have not observed in your classroom performance are found and we could not determine whether or not you understood what your speech was about. In addition, there was not evidence that you prepared for the performance.