Oral Interview Grading Rubric
  4 3 2 1
Completion of Task Performed the 90% of more of the assigned tasks accurately.  Was able to complete the tasks without having to re-direct him/herself.  It was evident that the subject has a good command of the language in order to achieve the assignment. Occasionally,  the assigned task(s) were left unaccomplished; however, the performance is appropriate enough that even non-sympathetic listeners can understand what was intended to achieve. More than half of the assigned tasks were left unaccomplished.  Most successful utterances are unrelated to the assigned tasks and because of this, probably only sympathetic listeners may understand what the performance is about. Most of the assigned tasks were not accomplished.  Most utterances were unrelated to the assigned tasks so even sympathetic listeners might have difficulty understanding what was intended to accomplish.
Clarity of pronunciation and Control of Sentence Structure Pronunciation and sentence structures were mostly clear and appropriate. More than 90% of the utterances were comprehensible enough to be able to communicate without problems. Pronuncation and sentence structures were sufficiently clear and appropriate but occationally the listener has to support your utterances sympathitically (by paraphrasing, confirming, etc.) However, communication is mostly established without problems. Pronunciation and/or sentence structures have/has some flaws to the extent that even being sympathetic, some communication is difficult to establish.  Neither pronuncation nor sentence structures were clear or appropriate to the extent that most communicable exchange is impossible to establish. Apparently, materials covered in the course were not learned significantly.
One Minute Speech The speech was obviously made on your own and consisted of topics and sentence structures/expressions that you can handle. Apparently, you understood what you were talking about and reflect your classroom performance. Occasionally, topics and/or sentence structures/expressions that you cannot comprehend were included. However, the speech generally reflect your classroom performance. There were a number of cases where something that we have not observed in your classroom performance are found and we could not determine whether or not you understood what your speech was about. However, you clearly prepared well for the performance. There were a number of cases where something that we have not observed in your classroom performance are found and we could not determine whether or not you understood what your speech was about. In addition, there was not evidence that you prepared for the performance.