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U.S. History Image Collage    Essays

Essay 1: Richard Wright's Black Boy

Length and Due Dates

Length:  5-6 pages (1250-1500 words)
First Draft Due:  January 14; bring three copies to class
Final Draft Due:  January 21 at the beginning of class


In Black Boy (American Hunger), Wright uses a number of themes in order to explore the following proposition: that the solution to the particular problems facing black migrants from the South like himself provides the key to understanding and improving the general American social condition.  Three broad themes stand out in this work:

  1. the migrant's experience of grinding poverty and unemployment,
  2. the disorientation and isolation of new arrivals in the urban metropolis, and
  3. the recognition of the possibility and promise of political mobilization and collective action
In this paper, we want you to write about one of these three themes in some more detail.  First, describe how the given theme is central to Wright's autobiography.  Second, based upon your own careful reading of Wright's text, analyze and evaluate the extent to which you believe Wright is successful in using the theme to demonstrate that the African-American migrant experience is representative of the larger social and historical realities of Depression-era America. 


  1. This is a short paper.  In order to write a good paper, you must be economical.  Choose your examples from Wright carefully when supporting your point.
  2. In writing this paper, you may draw upon what you learned from reading the first chapters of Polenberg's One Nation Divisible and Leffler's The Specter of Communism where appropriate, making sure to use a proper footnote format.
  3. Do not consult any additional outside sources for this paper.

Class: MWF 10:30-11:20
Location: Mueller 154

Image of Woman Working on Motor

Contact: K. Gillis-Bridges
Office: Padelford A-16
Phone: 543-4892
Hours: TTh 10:30-11:30
and by appointment

Page updated 3/9/06
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