Tea Cake and the Muck

"All night now the jooks clanged and clamored. Pianos living three lifetimes in one. Blues made and used right on the spot. Dancing, fighting, singing, crying, laughing, winning and losing love every hour. Work all day for money, fight all night for love. The rich black earth clinging to bodies and biting the skin like ants...So the very next morning Janie got ready to pick beans along with Tea Cake. There was supressed murmur when she picked up a basket and went to work. She was already getting to be a special case on the much. It was generally assumed that she thought herself too good to work like the rest of the women and that Tea Cake 'pomped her up tuh dat'. But all day long the romping and playing carried on behind the boss's back made her popular right away. It got the whole field to playng off and on..."...The crowd of people around her and a dice game on her floor! She was sorry for her friends back there and scornful of the others. The men held big arguments here like they used to on the store porch. Only here, she could listen and laugh and even talk some herself if she wanted to. She got so she could tell big stories herself from listening to the rest. Because she loved to hear it, and the men loved to hear themselves, they would "woof" and "boogerboo" around the games to the limit. No matter how rough it was, people seldom got mad, becuase everything was done for a laugh" (131,133,134)

Unlike Janie's relationship with Logan or Joe, she becomes happy and lifted when in the arms of Tea Cake. No place better to observe this than the "Muck community".

Activity and celebration
The atmosphere of the Muck truly nourishes the relationship between Janie and Tea Cake. With youth comes celebration, passion, and hope- a feeling of certainty that life only bring happiness. During Janie's youth, her own dreams are crushed when she marries Logan. More and more hope is lost when Joe tries desperately to kill any last self-assurance and independence Janie has to begin with. With Tea Cake comes Janie's youth, once again restored. Tea Cake centers himself around celebration and activity during the after-hours of the Muck workers. Tea Cake is a dynamic entertainer, Janie is pleased by this. Within the muck community is a more positive feeling and a general inclusion of Janie as opposed to her given "outsider" status by Eatonville. The muck community motivates Janie to display her voice, to tell stories and play games. This "ultimate freedom" was never allowed with her two previous husbands. The muck community were a people who were "ugly from ignorance and broken from being poor" (131). Together, the desire to laugh and love grew stronger and lingered even in the after-hours. Janie and Tea Cake became the center of attention, "But outside of the two jooks, everything on that job went on around those two" (133). Unlike Eatonville, where Janie is in the spotlight for being merely Joe's accessory, the muck focuses and thrives on the joy and passion of the oddly-matched Janie and Tea Cake. While the muck provides chances for Janie to include herself with the vast crowd of people, it also nourishes her friendships. In Eatonville, Janie is limited to speaking with few people, leaving the rest of the town to fill in the blanks to the mystery of her life.

The relationship of Tea Cake and Janie is very passionate. The community of the muck is filled with passion, whether it is for work, family, or friends. This atmosphere positively affects Janie and releases her ability to interact and involve herself with the people around her.

Janie included in "the muck"
Before, when Janie was silenced and pushed aside, the muck interacts with Janie and encourages her self-expression. Janie creates friendships, whether with Tea Cake's friends or even "crazy" Mrs. Turner. Janie speaks more of her opinions, she listens to members of the community, and, as stated before, Janie becomes popular. With more opportunity to include herself in community talks, dances, arguments, and celebrations, Janie created within herself a strong sense of voice and importance as well as a feeling of acceptance. Her surroundings and community members nourish her longing to be "free" and comfortable. She does not feel restricted in the Muck. She does have duties, much like she did in Eatonville, however her duties in the muck consist more of honesty, loyalty and friendliness. Janie gains respect for herself and her ability to present her life to a community, now lifting her up to a high point in her life where her past sadness can be ignored, or overlooked, when Janie feels that her and Tea Cake have a promising and happy future. There is no continuous oppressive force bringing Janie down. Janie is able to create ties and relationships with persons other than her husband.  

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