About This Site
Chapter Analysis
Annotated Passage
Links and Credits
E-Mail Me

About This Site

                                  Hello, my name is Fred Liao. I am a student at the University of Washington and this website is a project for my summer 2003
                        English 200 class. We just finished reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston and our project is to pick out a theme
                        from the book, choose a specific chapter from the book that the theme is strong in, then describe how the chapter shows our theme and
                        why that theme is important in the book. Within the chapter, we are also asked to pick out a specific passage that represents our theme well
                        and make a detailed analysis of that passage.

                                  The set up for my site is very simple. The navagation bar at the top of the page will allow you to get to any part of my website at all
                        times. I also have the page you are currently on highlighted in orange (in the navagation bar) to make it easy for you to see which section of my site
                        you are on. The links and credits page has a list of sites I found helpful in the process of researching for this project along with credits for sites
                        and other resources I used for my website. The "E-Mail Me" section has my e-mail address if you have any comments of questions.

                        Hope you find my site useful,

                        - Fred