Larch 498 Autumn 2002

Introduction to Environmental Psychology
Department of Landscape Architecture

  Mini Project: Environmental Appraisal of 2 Campus Settings

Due Date: Tuesday, October 29

Project Activity:

Select two places on campus - one that you really like and enjoy spending time in, and another that you really don't like that much and would rather avoid. Visit each of these places at least twice.

Take a moment while you are there to really observe the place and think about how you feel about it. Think about the qualities and aesthetics of each place. Draw it, describe it, (you can even take photos if you like). Why do you like/dislike this place? Describe the qualities of each place and your experiences in them.


In your paper, you should identify the particular sites you have selected for this project, and include any drawings or photographs of the two places.

Analyze these settings in view of the issues and that were raised in Chapter 3 on Environmental Appraisal. ** Be sure to include in your written analysis the 6 dimensions of environmental appraisals that are outlined by Gifford, and which we have discussed in class.** Consider the following questions to help you in your analysis:
· Do you find these places attractive or unattractive? Why?
· What do you find pleasing/displeasing about these places?
· What about their design contributes to your judgement of these places?
· What meaning do these places have for you?
· How do you feel about these places?

Think about and describe what personal factors, past experience, preferences, etc. you bring to your appraisal of each setting as well.

Compare the two places you have selected, and discuss what qualities of each setting contribute to the favorable or the unfavorable appraisal. Finally, do you have any design solutions for improving the quality or aesthetics of the place which you find unpleasant? Why do you think that these design changes might improve the quality of this place?

Your paper should be typed, double-spaced and the text should be about 5 pages long. Any additional pages of renderings, photographs, etc. should not be included in the page count.



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