Community/Village level Water Supplies
Introduction | Individual Housing level | Neighborhood level | Village/Community level | References

Rain water harvesting for the community and village scale

Rain water harvesting projects have been developed rapidly over the years. The objectives of these projects are for domestic and production purposes. Harvesting rainwater for agricultural and domestic purposes helps improve water quality, minimizes the need for acquiring imported water and creates more sustainable agricultural practices.

Rain water harvesting at scales such as these can be obtained through many different types of devices. Usually for rainwater collection at this level, there is a need for large land masses. Harvesting rain water at this scale requires the use of rainwater collection fields, storage, water supply and irrigation facilities. Most storage facilities use underground cellar or kilns to avoid evaporation loss.


Water collection sources

Plan of implementation


Implementation of the Rain Water Harvesting projects are mainly relied on the beneficiaries of these systems themselves. Since the techniques for rainwater catchment systems are simple, the farmers can manage the construction and operation of the system after an in-situ training or visiting demonstrated projects that either would be implemented or are already in existence. Research institutes and extension service centers are would need to demonstrate projects under different conditions and conduct training courses.

Here is an opportunity for government funding and subsidies to become involved. the Governmental has an ability to participate by help funding certain elements of these systems to those who need assistance in funding. In general, farmers contributed for the main systems which include more than 2/3 of RWH systems . This contribution was found mainly in the form of labor.




  • Concrete
  • Wood
  • Reinforced steel or rebar
  • Hand pump/Machine pump to obtain water
  • Storage basin
  • Clay


Rain Water Harvesting from Roadways

Rivers and streams are the source of water for many villages and communities in Indonesia. These water sources are also the main source for farmers and agriculturalist who depend on field irrigation. Although using rivers and streams is logically an efficient source for irrigation, water harvesting from rainwater collection is an economical and sustainable technique to irrigate fields.

This image shows rain water harvesting obtained from paved roads. The following diagrams shows components of rain water harvesting (RWH) from roadways and impervious structures.

Farming and Agriculture

Here is a diagram that shows a section of how (RWH) from roads and impervious structures would


This diagram shows the full process of an option that farmers would have in obtaining water through (RWH). Collecting rainwater from large impervious surfaces helps minimize the use of potable water from other resources.


This section shows the collection of water into an impervious trough that diverts water from the main source into pipes that can be used for irrigation.



Maintenance is performed on a regular basis to clear debris out of channels and pipes. It is important to check whether or not water sources are comming from non-contaminated areas. Contamination from automobiles and other mechanical machines can effect overall water quality. Cleaning drainage basins themselves is critical to avoid from having a contaminated basin.



  • Teaching through education. Finding in-situ training helps to disperse knowledge of rain water harvesting technologies
  • sustainable and renewable rain water collection technique
  • low maintanence
  • long-life span depending on environment
  • keeps from degrading the natural environment of streams and rivers
  • minimizes the dependency of potable water needs from public controlled sources


  • high initial cost
  • requires large amounts of land
  • requires excavation for storage tanks
  • needs a minimum of 300mm of rainfall per year
  • unpredictable weather patterns
  • requires labor time and cost

Agricultural Water Retention through landform



  • Earth
  • Plastic sheathing
  • plant material
  • porous drainage material
  • Storage basin
  • diversion pipes


Rain Water Harvesting through landform

Utilizing simple landforms can increase the amount of rainwater that is collected and diverted into agriculture.

Farming and Agriculture

Here is a diagram that shows a section of how (RWH) from manipulated earth can increase the amount of surface water collected


This diagram shows the technique of water collection through landforms on a large scale.


This section shows the collection of water into an impervious trough and a close view of how each trough acts.



Maintenance is performed on an annual basis. Maintenance includes the inspection of plastic shealthing. The plastic sheathing cannot have any wholes or disformed undulations. These defects can cause water to pool and create less water diversion in individual troughs.

Public Awareness of techniques

It is important to have the public aware of the changes that are currently occurring to their water sources. Public awareness helps promote new technologies and includes community memebers in the design process. Having the general public involved increases the sense of ownership and helps spread the word of these technologies.