Ling 571 - Deep Processing Techniques for NLP
Winter 2017
Homework #9: Due March 10, 2017: 23:45
Through this assignment you will:
- Explore issues in pronominal anaphora resolution.
- Gain familiarity with syntax-based resolution techniques.
- Analyze the effectiveness of the Hobbs algorithm by applying it
to pairs of parsed sentences.
- Optionally: Implement the Hobbs algorithm for anaphora resolution on a set of
Please review the class slides (esp. Class 15: #19, #20 (detail)) and readings in the textbook on pronominal
anaphora resolution and especially the Hobbs algorithm (J&M, 2nd ed, p. 704-705).
Analyzing Coreference Resolution with the Hobbs Algorithm
The Hobbs algorithm takes as input a pronoun and a sequence of
sentence parse trees in the context, and returns the proposed
antecedent. The data file contains a list of pairs of sentences
separated by blank lines. In each pair of the sentences, the
second sentence has one or more pronouns to be resolved. Parse the
sentences, almost all of which are drawn from the first homework assignment,
using the same techniques as in HW#1 (or HW#5 if you want to handle number
For each pronoun, in each sentence pair, trace the Hobbs algorithm to
identify its antecedent.
Specifically, you should:
- i) Read in your grammar.
- ii) Read in the file of sentence pairs with pronouns to resolve.
- iii) For each (pronoun, sentence pair) set:
- a) Parse the sentences with your grammar.
- b) Print out the pronoun and the corresponding parses.
- Use the Hobbs algorithm to (attempt to) resolve the pronoun in the context.
- A) identify each parse tree node corresponding to 'X' in the
algorithm, writing out the corresponding NP or S (or SBAR) constituent.
- B) identify each node proposed as an antecedent
- C) reject any proposed node ruled out by agreement
- D) identify the accepted antecedent.
- E) indicate whether the accepted antecedent is correct
- F1) If the accepted antecedent is correct, do nothing more
- F2) If the accepted antecedent is NOT correct, explain why and identify which of the syntactic and semantic preferences listed in the text (Slides: class 15: 15, 16) would be required to correct this error.
You should implement steps i-iii.b) using NLTK and a suitable parser.
You may do steps A-D either:
- by manually stepping through the algorithm, or
- (for additional credit) by implementing this simplified
portion of the algorithm. If you take this coding route, you may use
a feature grammar or a simple look-up table to filter for agreement.
You may use any supporting software, such
as NLTK's components for manipulating parse trees, that you wish, provided
it does not implement the full Hobbs algorithm for you.
Steps E-F* should be done manually.
Note: Manual processing should be done on a copy of the
output of automatic processing.
Create a program hw9_coref.{py|pl|etc} to implement
the automatic processing components of the pronominal anaphora resolution
process described above invoked as:
hw9_coref.{py|pl|etc} <input_grammar_filename> <test_sentence_filename> <output_filename>
- <input_grammar_filename>: The name of the file that holds the
grammar to be used to parse the sentences. This should be a legal
NLTK CFG grammar (with or without features).
- <test_sentence_filename>: The name of the file that holds the
pairs of sentences that form contexts for pronoun resolution. Each
sentence appears on a line by itself, with a blank between pairs of
sentences. The second sentence of each pair contains one or more pronouns to
- <output_filename>: The name of the file to which the results of
automatic processing for this assignment will be written, either:
- Parsing and pronoun identification only, or
- Parsing through candidate antecedent identification
The files for this assignment may be found on patas in
Test, Example, and Resource Files
- coref_sentences.txt: Contains the contexts to analyze. You should resolve the pronoun(s) in the second sentence in each pair
based on the context provided by the pair of sentences.
- simple_example_sentences.txt: Contains a set of
example sentence pairs with pronouns to be resolved.
- simple_example_output.txt: Contains an application to
a simplified parse of a textbook example. This is intended to provide an
example of the process and output format.
- grammar.cfg: Contains a simple grammar that
covers the test sentences and is fairly compatible with the Hobbs algorithm in the
text (minor changes may be made). You may also use the grammar from
HW #1 (with adaptations to the algorithm as needed).
Submission Files
- hw9_coref.{py|pl|etc}: Program which implements the automatic processing phase of
your Hobbs algorithm-based pronoun resolution
- hw9_output.txt: Output of running your
program with your grammar and the test sentences, through the
automatic processing stages.
- hw9_output_final.txt: This file should contain the augmented
analysis based on the contents of hw9_output.txt.
- For the manual case, this is steps A-F(1,2)
- For the coding case, this is steps E-F(1,2)
- hw9.cmd: Condor file which drives your coreference
resolution program (hw9_coref.{py|pl|etc}).
- readme.{txt|pdf}: Write-up file
- hw9.tar: Your hand-in file
Handing in your work
All homework should be handed in using the class CollectIt.