| Topics
| Readings
| Assignment out
| Slides
Week 1: March 28, March 30
| Summarization: Intro Course Structure Overview
| J&M 23.3-; [Sparck Jones, 2007]
Deliverable #1 out: Due April 4, 23:45
| Intro
Week 2: April 4, 6
| Evaluation Exemplar Systems
| [Nenkova et al, 2007]; [Radev et al., 2000] [Erkan & Radev, 2004]
| Deliverable #2 out: Due April 23
| Evaluation & Topic Models Mead, LexRank, D2
Week 3: April 11, 13
| Content selection by Classification, HMMs, and Discourse
| [Conroy et al. 2004] [Conroy et al, 2001] [Hong & Nenkova, 2014];[Louis et al., 2010]
| Graphs & Supervision
Week 4: April 18, 20
| Discourse, Topic Orientation & Information Ordering
| Otterbacher et al, 2005; Schilder et al, 2008 ; Barzilay et al, 2002
| Deliverable #3 out: Due May 14
| Topic, Optimization
Week 5: April 25, 27
| Deliverable #2 Presentations
| Tuesday
Week 6: May 2, 4
| Information Ordering
| Bollegala et al., 2012;Barzilay and Lapata, 2005, 2008 Barzilay and Lee, 2004;Conroy et al, 2006
| Ordering
Entity/Topic Order |
Week 7: May 9, 11
| Content Realization
| Zajic et al., 2007; Vanderwende et al, 2007.;Nenkova, 2008;Wang et al., 2013 Siddarthan et al., 2011 |
Deliverable #4 out: Due May 28
| Content Realization
Comp. & Quality |
Week 8: May 16, 18
| Deliverable #3 Presentations
| Tuesday slides
Thursday slides
Week 9: May 23, 25
| Alternate Views of Summarization
| Liu et al, 2015
Hu and Liu, 2004; Lerman & McDonald, 2009; Maskey & Hirschberg, 2006
| Compression & Alternative perspectives
Abstraction, Reviews, Speech |
Week 10: May 30, June 1
| Final presentations
| Overview Tuesday merged
Thursday merged |