LING 573 - Natural Language Processing Systems and Applications
Spring 2017

Days Time (P.M.) Classroom
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-2:50 DEN 259

Team Evaluations: Required

Course Evaluations: much appreciated

Instructor Teaching Assistant
Name: Gina-Anne Levow Glenn Slayden
Email: levow at uw dot edu gslayden at uw dot edu
Office: Guggenheim 418B Guggenheim TA space
Office Hour: Wednesday 1:30-3pm
or by appointment
Thursday 12:30-1:30pm
or Skype by appointment

Course description

This course examines building coherent systems to handle practical applications. Particular topics vary. This quarter we will focus on automatic summarization.

Course Resources


There is no required textbook for this course. However, you may find the following reference texts useful. Some good survey texts in this area are:

A number of published research articles will also provide background for the course. The articles are linked from the syllabus below, and the full citations are found in the reading list.

Historical proceedings from Summarization shared tasks are also available.



Course Mechanics

Additional detailed information on grading, collaboration, incompletes, etc.

Tentative schedule, subject to change without notice.
Date Topics Readings Assignment
Week 1: March 28, March 30 Summarization: Intro
Course Structure
J&M 23.3-; [Sparck Jones, 2007] Deliverable #1 out:
Due April 4, 23:45
Week 2: April 4, 6 Evaluation
Exemplar Systems
[Nenkova et al, 2007]; [Radev et al., 2000]
[Erkan & Radev, 2004]
Deliverable #2 out: Due April 23 Evaluation & Topic Models
Mead, LexRank, D2
Week 3: April 11, 13 Content selection by
Classification, HMMs, and Discourse
[Conroy et al. 2004]
[Conroy et al, 2001]
[Hong & Nenkova, 2014];[Louis et al., 2010]
  Graphs & Supervision
Week 4: April 18, 20 Discourse, Topic Orientation
& Information Ordering
Otterbacher et al, 2005; Schilder et al, 2008 ; Barzilay et al, 2002 Deliverable #3 out: Due May 14 Topic, Optimization
Week 5: April 25, 27 Deliverable #2 Presentations     Tuesday
Week 6: May 2, 4 Information Ordering Bollegala et al., 2012;Barzilay and Lapata, 2005, 2008
Barzilay and Lee, 2004;Conroy et al, 2006
Entity/Topic Order
Week 7: May 9, 11 Content Realization Zajic et al., 2007; Vanderwende et al, 2007.;Nenkova, 2008;Wang et al., 2013
Siddarthan et al., 2011
Deliverable #4 out: Due May 28 Content Realization
Comp. & Quality
Week 8: May 16, 18 Deliverable #3 Presentations     Tuesday slides
Thursday slides
Week 9: May 23, 25 Alternate Views of Summarization Liu et al, 2015
Hu and Liu, 2004; Lerman & McDonald, 2009;
Maskey & Hirschberg, 2006
  Compression & Alternative

Abstraction, Reviews, Speech
Week 10: May 30, June 1 Final presentations     Overview
Tuesday merged
Thursday merged