Ling 573 - Natural Language Processing Systems and Applications
Spring 2013
Report Guidelines
Formatting the Report
Reports on systems and applications, including question-answering,
form a substantial portion of the papers presented at conferences
and workshops in the Computational Linguistics field. In that spirit,
you will use the standard format for conference papers in the CL field
for your reports.
Please format your report using the ACL style files. Please follow the formatting guidelines including
conversion to PDF, except for the specific page limits and the
"blind submission" rules, of course.
Organizing the Report
The report should follow this basic structure.
- Title, Author names,
- Abstract
- A short high-level overview of the paper, usually 150 words or so.
- Introduction
- System Overview
- A description of the major design, methodological, and algorithmic decisions in your project. It often includes a schematic of the system architecture.
- Approach
- This section should provide the details of the major subcomponents of
your system. You report should include at least the following three
major sections corresponding to the project deliverables.
You may also include other subsections as appropriate.
- Results
- This section should present the major results of the formal evaluation
of your system and components.
- Discussion
- This section will analyze your results in a bit more detail. It is an
appropriate location for error analysis and assessment of the strengths
and weaknesses of the different components.
- Conclusion
- References