Ling 573 - Natural Language Processing Systems and Applications
Spring 2013
Deliverable #2: Answer Extraction Format
qid run-tag docid answer-string
- qid is the question number (of the form X.Y),
- run-tag is the run id,
- docid is the id of the supporting document
answer-string is a text string with no embedded
The first few lines of the second part of an example submission might look like this:
- 1.1 nistqa05M NYT19990326.0303 Nicole Kidman
- 1.2 nistqa05M NIL
- 1.3 nistqa05M APW20000908.0100 Godiva
- 1.3 nistqa05M NYT19981215.0192 Wittamer of Brussels
- 1.3 nistqa05M NYT19990209.0202 Nirvana