LING 573 - Natural Language Processing Systems and Applications
Spring 2013
To allow you to focus on developing your question-answering system, you are
encouraged to make use of existing software tools to accomplish many of
the component tasks. Below is a list of useful software tools, it is
FAR from exhaustive but is intended to help you get started.
NLP Toolkits and Collections
- NLTK: An extensive suite of
Natural Language Processing components, written in Python.
- GATE: A large-scale NLP framework
integrating many components.
- LingPipe: a highly
professional suite of NLP tools, with Java API as well as batch components.
- Stanford NLP Suite: Suite of mostly Java NLP tools
- Stanford NLP links: Collection of links to diverse NLP tools
- UIUC software tools: Includes chunkers, NE Taggers, SRL, coref, etc
Information Retrieval Engines
- Lucene: large-scale, industry-standard information retrieval engine, with some quite good tutorials.
- Indri/Lemur: Research best-in-show (or best-in-TREC) information retrieval system from UMass Amherst and CMU
- Managing Gigabytes: Another research oriented retrieval system (used in the Webclopedia systems)
Sentence Splitters
POS Taggers
- Porter stemmers implemented in a variety of languages
Constituency Parsers
Dependency Parser
Semantic Analyzer
Word Sense Disambiguation
Machine Learning Toolkits
Ontologies, Lexical Resources