LING 575 - Spoken Dialog Systems
Spring 2013
Specialized Topics

Each student will be responsible for selecting a topic from the list of topics below to present and lead class discussion on. This will involve presenting the main ideas from 2-3 papers and synthesizing the challenges in the area and the approaches taken to them.


List of possible specialized topics:

Erik Miscommunication and Repairs
  Recognizing user affect in human-computer dialog
LeannePersona and Personification in dialog
Norah Dialog with Different User Populations
Shannon Turn-taking and Backchannels
  Incremental Processing of Dialog
Shiri Multi-modal dialog
  Dialog act taxonomies
  Dialog act recognition
Lisa Dialog genres: information-seeking, tutoring, conversational
Michael Modelling affect in dialog
NigelMixed Initiative
Stefan Multi-party dialog
Ahmed Sentiment and subjectivity in dialog
Ron Reference and anaphora in dialog
Adam Information structure and prosody in dialog
Scott Recognition and understanding of prosody
Marie-Renee Dialog in other NLP applications: search, translation , question-answering