LING 575 - Sentiment
Spring 2014
Final Project:
Presentations: 6/3/2014
Final submission: Code, write-up: 6/12/2014
- Describe the work you have performed for your course project.
- Present the main findings/accomplishments of your project to your peers.
- Complete the implementation tasks and/or analysis of your topic.
- Write up your findings formally.
Final Project Presentations
- Prepare a brief five (5) minute presentation about your topic based on your work and main findings. The format should be Powerpoint, PDF, or Google Docs.
- No later than 3pm on the day of your presentation: Send a copy or link to your presentation to me. It is helpful if I can cue up and test the presentations in advance.
Final Project Paper Submission
You should describe your project in a scientific paper to be formatted according to the ACL style files.
Your project report should include the following sections:
- Abstract: State the motivation, main task, and main findings of your project
- Introduction: Briefly describe the problem you investigated, explain
why it is interesting and challenging. Provide a brief summary of the main
results and the outline of the rest of the paper.
- Related work: Brief discussion of related and motivating work (with citations linked to the bibliography)
- Methodology: Describe
- The approach taken: implementational or analytic
- The resources, software and data, used
- Challenges encountered
- Results and Discussion:
- Results of any evaluation or analysis performed
- Comparisons to alternative approaches or baseline
- Conclusion:
- Resolution to challenges, general findings and conclusions
- Acknowledgments: For term projects done in pairs, the acknowledgments section should indicate who the other partner was and how the tasks were divvied up.
- Bibliography: Cite relevant related work.
Please deposit it in the course Dropbox
For implementation projects, the project report should be 5-6 pages (plus
For analysis (Ling elective credit) projects, the project report should
be 8-10 pages (plus references), focusing on the
details of the analysis, specific examples, and findings quantitative and qualitative.
If you wish to provide
more extensive data, that can also be tarred up. It can be submitted to the Dropbox directly.