LING 575 - Sentiment, Subjectivity, and Stance
Spring 2014
Final Project Topics
Project types
Possible project types include:
- Annotation: Perform annotation of a small corpus for
some aspect of sentiment or subjectivity. This can involve a novel
type of data for a more common phenomenon or an established dataset
for a new factor relating to sentiment, subjectivity or stance.
- Analysis: Perform a substantive analysis of some linguistic
phenomenon in the context of sentiment/subjectivity/stance. Use an
existing corpus to assess the relationship of the phenomenon to
expression of subjectivity. (Suggested for those taking the course for
linguistics elective credit.)
- Sentiment task: Perform a standard sentiment/subjectivity
task. Implement and evaluate an approach. Attempt to improve on
a standard method and evaluate the results.
- Existing data, new task: Use existing data in a novel way.
- Application: Employ sentiment, subjectivty, or stance in
a downstream application, e.g. subjectivity related question-answering or
stance-based summarization.
Project Examples
- Compare different machine learning models for polarity classification of movie reviews.
- Apply a domain adaptation technique to different products in the Amazon
product review database. Assess the improvement in different domains.
- Perform subjectivity-based summarization on a dataset like email
conversations or blogs.
- Perform automatic sentiment lexicon extraction on two (or more)
different corpora/domains. Compare the resulting lexicons to each other
and to generic lexicons like MPQA or General Inquirer.
- Implement a system to automatically recognize frustration in
human-computer dialogs.
- Build a baseline system to detect stances in debates. Employ richer
syntactic or discourse information to improve your results.
- Most systems use low order (1,2) n-grams over part-of-speech tags
as part of sentiment classification. Using a POS-tagged corpus,
analyze the relationship of higher order n-gram patterns (3,4,..7)
to sentiment polarity. (Ling elective example.)
- Using Socher's corpus of fine-grained sentiment over parsed sentences,
analyze the effect on overall sentence polarity of different subordinating
and coordinating conjunctions. (Ling elective example.)