LING 575 - Sentiment, Subjectivity, and Stance
Spring 2014
Specialized Topics - Product Mining

PrimaryMinqing Hu and Bing Liu. (2004) Mining and Summarizing Customer Reviews. KDD-2004.
SupplementaryMurthy Ganapathibhotla and Bing Liu. (2008) Mining Opinions in Comparative Sentences. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Coling-2008.
Primary (2)Soo-Min Lim and Eduard Hovy. (2006). Automatic Identification of Pro and Con Reasons in Online Reviews. COLING-ACL-2006.
Supplementary (2)Oscar Tackstrom and Ryan McDonald (2011). Discovering Fine-Grained Sentiment with Latent Variable Structured Prediction Models. ECIR-2011.
Primary (3)Kim, Soo-min and Pantel, Patrick and Chklovski, Tim and Pennacchiotti, Marco. (2006). Automatically assessing review helpfulness.EMNLP-2006
Supplementary (3)Barbosa, Luciano and Kumar, Ravi and Pang, Bo and Tomkins, Andrew (2009). For a few dollars less: Identifying review pages sans human labels. NAACL-2009.