LING 575 - Spoken Dialog
Spring 2015
Possible Final Project Topics
Possible project types include:
- Implement a spoken dialog system for a particular task building on a
spoken dialogue toolkit.
- Perform a rigorous analysis of some conversational phenomenon in
conversational dialog. You may use any of spoken corpora available on the
CL cluster.
- Implement and evaluate an algorithm that performs recognition or
interpretation of a conversational dialogue behavior.
- Augment a basic spoken dialogue system with improved handling of
some dialog behavior.
Some previous final topics:
- Analysis of turn-taking in conversational human-human dialog
- Phone-based Dialog interface to the King County Library System
- Dialog for game-playing
- Feature selection for detection of hotspots in multi-party meetings
- Recognition of emotions in human-computer dialog
- Dialog act recognition using Support Vector Machines and Hidden Markov Models
- Spoken Dialog Interface for car search
- A Web-based Annotation Tool for Spoken Dialog Research
- Spoken Dialog Interface for Restaurant Order-taking
- Various pre-recorded dialog systems demos can be found here