LING 575 - Spoken Dialog Systems
Spring 2015
Specialized Topics - Dialog Act Recognition

PrimaryStolcke et al, 2000A. Stolcke, K. Ries, N. Coccaro, E. Shriberg, R. Bates, D. Jurafsky, P. Taylor, R. Martin, C. Van Ess-Dykema, and M. Meteer. (2000) Dialogue Act Modeling for Automatic Tagging and Recognition of Conversational Speech. Computational Linguistics 26(3):339-373.
SecondarySridhar er al., 2009V. Sridhar, S. Bangalore, and S. Narayanan. (2009) Combining lexical, syntactic and prosodic cues for improved online dialog act tagging. Computer Speech and Language 23(4):pp. 407-422.
SecondaySurendran & Levow, 2006Dinoj Surendran and Gina-Anne Levow. (2006) "Dialog Act Tagging with Support Vector Machines and Hidden Markov Models", Proceedings of Interspeech 2006, p. 1950-1953.
SupplementaryDielmann and Renals, 2008A. Dielmann and S. Renals. (2008) Recognition of Dialog Acts in Multiparty Meetings Using a Switching DBN, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 1303-1314, September 2008.