Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium and Fox Island
April 6, 2007

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Week 2: Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium followed by Fox Island John Ruppe, from the Point Defiance Aquarium, set us up with a tour. The gang on a tour. We had a great day exploring the rocky and mucky sides of Fox Island. Giant Balanus nubulis. Early on, even common things like keyhole limpets were quite new to us.
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From the start we had great luck finding nudis! An oyster. The highlight of the day was Arabie's feat. She had spotted it off in the distance and went for it... Arabie's feat... Arabie's feat... Arabie's feat...
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Arabie's feat... Arabie's feat... Arabie's feat... Arabie's feat... Meet Wallace, the Pycnopodia. Much fun learning about Wallace.