(Sea Stars)

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Marine Ecology Home Page

Species List

  1. Pisaster ochraceus
  2. Pycnopodia helianthoides
  3. Evasterias troschelii
  4. Henricia leviuscula
  5. Leptasterias hexactis

Pisaster ochraceus (Purple Star)
Found on the underside of a rock in the rocky intertidal area of Fox Island, Wa
Pycnopodia helianthoides (Sunflower Star) Found in low subtidal area in Fox Island, Wa
Evasterias troschelli (Mottled Star)
This species was from an aquarium at Friday Harbor, Wa
Henricia leviuscula (Pacific Blood Star)
This species was found in a rocky benhic environment off of Friday Harbor, Wa
Leptasterias hexactis (Six-rayed Star)
This species was found in a rocky intertidal region of Cattle Point in Friday Harbor, Wa

This webpage is part of the UWT Marine Ecology 2007 Class Project