Goose Neck Barnacle
Pollicipes polymerus

This is the rarest and most unusual barnacle. This barnacle has a black stalk (peduncle) that can grow up to 6 inches and only 5 cream colored outer plates instead of 6. They are found on the outer coast or exposed situations in the San Juan Islands. They will grow in areas with strong wave action, so beware of the water when you spot them. This barnacle is often found growing with the California Mussel (Mytilus californianus). These barnacles grow in large clumps and the barnacles in the center tend to be larger than the ones on the outside. The goose neck barnacle is considered a delicacy in Europe. I found these barnacles in Cattle Point-San Juan Island and in Olympic National Park-Salt Creek.

Gooesneck Barnacles Gooseneck Barnacle

Gooseneck Barnacle Gooseneck Barnacle

Gooseneck Barnacle Gooseneck Barnacle

Gooseneck Barnacles and California Mussels

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This webpage is part of the UWT Marine Ecology 2007 Class Project