Pandalus platyceros


The spot shrimp was found after dredging the bottom of the ocean at Friday Harbor.  When the dredge was pulled up there were far more spot shrimp than any other shrimps.  The spot shrimp get their name from the four white spots that decorate their back.  They are brilliant orange to light red in color and have long striped antennae.  The spot shrimp reproduce changing from a male into a female mid way through their life cycle (Oceans Alive 2007).  Spot shrimp are the largest shrimp found in Northwest waters (NOAA 2007) and this spot shrimp was approximately four inches wide.


Spot shrimp found from dredging on 5/4/07.  Photo by Bonnie Becker.



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This webpage is part of the UWT Marine Ecology 2007 Class Project