Seaweeds and Seagrasses



World wide there are 7000 estimated seaweeds, 4000 microalgae and 50 seagrasses.  Here in the Pacific Northwest we have an estimated 700 of these species making our area one of the richest in seaweed biodiversity in the world.  (Harbo, 1999)

Sites visited:

Fox Island - South Puget Sound

Willapa Bay - WA Outer Coast

Trip aboard the Centennial - San Juan Island

Argyle Lagoon - San Juan Island

False Bay - San Juan Island

Cattle Point - San Juan Island

Salt Creek - Olympic Peninsula

Sokal Point - Olympic Peninsula

Seagrasses are flowering plants that have adapted to live in salt water environments. You will find sea grasses in areas of soft substrate, and surf grasses will be found on the surf beaten, rocky areas. Both have roots that have adapted to keep them in place.


eel grass   japonica   surf

Native eel grass - Zostera marina




purple sea star
