Homework 8: Due Midnight on November 24th.

Funky Screen

Entertain us with an animated graphical display using the PsychToolbox 'Screen' function. The requirements are very flexible - just demonstrate your ability to use the various features of 'Screen', which can include putting up images, text, geometric shapes and lines.

An example of a previous student's 'Funky Screen' follows below (taken from the course Lessons)


% FunkyJon.m

%  This is my Funky li'l m_file written to demonstrate psychtoolbox


%  Written by Jon D. Howe 4/16/2007


clear all


% Initialize variables


flipSpd=25; % flip every 25 frames


[wPtr,rect]=Screen('OpenWindow',screenNum, 0, []);








% blank screen and wait a second




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% Flip and collect th e time of the flip in vbl

vbl=Screen('Flip', wPtr);


% Draw Background

Screen('FillRect', wPtr, [100 255 255]);

Screen('FillRect', wPtr, [0 255 0], [0 2*rect(4)/3 rect(3) rect(4)])


% Draw house

Screen('FillRect', wPtr, [0 0 255], [420 300 680 600]);

Screen('FillPoly', wPtr, [100 0 0], [420 300; 540 200; 680 300]);


% Draw roof

Screen('DrawLine', wPtr, [50 50 50], 410, 310, 540, 200, 5);

Screen('DrawLine', wPtr, [50 50 50], 690, 310, 540, 200, 5);


% Draw doors and windows

% door

Screen('FillRect', wPtr, [200 200 0], [520 450 600 600]);

% window

Screen('FillRect', wPtr, [175 200 256], [440 380 500 440]);

Screen('FrameRect', wPtr, [0 0 0], [440 380 500 440], 3);

Screen('DrawLine', wPtr, [0 0 0], 470, 380, 470, 440, 3);

Screen('DrawLine', wPtr, [0 0 0], 440, 410, 500, 410, 3);


% gable window

Screen('FillArc', wPtr, [175 200 256], [520, 260, 600, 320],270,180);

Screen('FrameArc', wPtr, [0 0 0], [520 260 600 320],270,180,3);


% Draw tree

Screen('FillRect', wPtr, [100 100 0], [200 400 230 700]);

Screen('FillOval', wPtr, [0 150 0], [50 250 370 550]);


% Draw sun

Screen('FillOval', wPtr, [256 256 0], [760 20 920 180]);

Screen('DrawLine', wPtr, [0 0 0], 850, 75, 870, 75, 2);

Screen('FrameOval', wPtr, [0 0 0], [800 65 820 85], 2);

Screen('FrameArc', wPtr, [0 0 0], [800 85 870 160], 90, 180, 2);


% Draw name

Screen('TextSize', wPtr, 72);

Screen('DrawText', wPtr, 'Funky Jon''s House', 200, 100, [256 256 256]);

vbl=Screen('Flip', wPtr, vbl+(flipSpd*monitorFlipInterval), 2);



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