ME 354 Mechanics of Materials Laboratory - Autumn 2007

Course Instructors:     Paul E. Labossiere, MEB 209, (206) 543-5710,

Daniel Flores:   

Christy Vant:   

Course website:  (or go through the ME home page)

Catalog Description: Properties and behavior of engineering materials including stress-strain relations, strength, deformation mechanisms, strength, deformation, fracture, creep, and cyclic fatigue. Introduces experimental techniques common to structural engineering, interpretation of experimental data, comparison of measurements to numerical/analytical predictions, and formal, engineering report writing. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: MSE 170, CEE 220. Offered: AW.

Course Objectives: By the end of this course, the student will be able to:

1) List and explain applicable experimental methods for characterizing material and component behavior

2) Compare (and quantify differences) measured experimental results and calculated theoretical values.

3) Predict component behavior using experimental test results and engineering formulae

4) Analyze experimental data, theoretical models and their scalability to components

5) Analyze (deduce) the inherent variability of materials subjected to multiple modes of loading and apply the results to component behavior.

6) Formulate a solution path for analyzing an actual multi-component structure using experimental, theoretical, and numerical tools/methods.

7) Evaluate the limits of structures by extending the experimental measurements using theoretical and numerical methods

Textbook: Norman E. Dowling, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Third Edition, Prentice Hall.

Class schedule: 4 1-hour class-room lectures per week Time: 9:30-10:20 MTWF Room: MEB 238

                               1 3-hour laboratory Time 2:30-5:20 Room MEB 127 MWTh

Evaluation Criteria:

Homework                  15%

Laboratory                 40%, lab grade based on a) Lab reports/memos, and b) Lab participation.

In-class Projects      5%

Midterm Exam           15%

Final Exam                  25%

Homework policy: Unless arranged in advance, late homework will not be accepted. Students are encouraged to work together on the homework and projects; however, all submitted work must be the student’s own.

Lab Report policy: Late lab reports will not be accepted. Generally, In-lab reports are due by the end of the lab period, Memo lab reports are due the next lab period. And Formal lab reports are due two weeks later. Labs meet every week in MEB 127.


Week 1 Lab: None

Sept 26 Course Overview, Review Mechanics of Materials (Text Chap 1, 2, 3)

Sept 28 Lab. Procedure, Significant Figures, Accuracy/Precision

Week 2 Lab: Strains, Deflections and Beams in Bending (Memo report)

Oct 1 Strain gage technology

Oct 2 Statistical Analysis of Data, Stress/strain

Oct 3 Stress and Strain Transformations, Mohr's Circle (Text: Chap 6)

Oct 5 3-D and Principal Stresses, Special Cases

Week 3 Lab: Curved Beams (In-lab report)

Oct 8 Curved and Composite Beams, Non symmetric Beams and Loading (Text Chap 6)

Oct 9 Curved and Composite Beams, Non symmetric Beams and Loading

Oct 10 Review of Beams in Bending: Fundamentals and Limitations

Oct 11

Week 4 Lab: Mechanical Properties and Performance of Materials (Tension, Formal report)

Oct 15 Mechanical Properties of Materials

Oct 16 Mechanical Testing and Test Machines (Text Chap 4, 5)

Oct 17 Mechanical Tests (Properties, Performance, Standards)

Oct 19

Week 5 Lab: Mechanical Properties and Performance of Materials (Torsion, Formal report)

Oct 22 Plastic Deformation and Plasticity (Text Chap 12, 13)

Oct 23 Plastic Deformation and Plasticity

Oct 24 Midterm Exam

Oct 26

Week 6 Lab: Stress Concentrations and Fracture (In-lab report)

Oct 29 Failure Criterion, Stress Concentrations, LEFM (Text Chap 7, 8)

Oct 30 Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics

Oct 31 Why LEFM works: Small Scale Yielding

Nov 2

Week 7 Lab: Creep and Fatigue- Time Dependent Behavior, Creep and Fatigue (Memo report)

Nov 5 Time Dependent Behavior, Long-term Predictions (Text Chap 15)

Nov 6 Time Dependent Behavior

Nov 7 Simple and Complex Structures

Nov 9

Week 8 Lab: Structural Evaluation (Bike Frame, Formal report)

Nov 12 Holiday

Nov 13 Simple and Complex Structures

Nov 14 Simple and Complex Structures

Nov 16 Cyclic Fatigue, S-N curves, Fatigue Crack Growth (Text Chap 9, 10, 11)

Week 9 No Lab

Nov 19 Cyclic Fatigue, S-N curves, Fatigue Crack Growth

Nov 20 Compression, Yielding and Buckling

Nov 21

Nov 23 Holiday

Week 10 Lab: Compression and Buckling (In-lab report)

26 Compression, Yielding and Buckling

27 Compression, Yielding and Buckling

28 Exam Review


Week 11 Lab: Shape Memory and Superelastic Materials (Report Format: TBA)

Dec 3 Exam Review

Dec 4 Exam Review

Dec 5 Exam Review

Final Exam: Comprehensive; TBA


Additional References:

Annual Book or ASTM Standards, American Society for Testing and Materials

Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Richard Hertzberg

Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, David Broek

Engineering Materials and Their Applications, Richard Flinn and Paul Trojan

Engineering Materials 1 and 2, Michael Ashby and David Jones

Fatigue of Materials, Subra Suresh

Introduction of Fracture Mechanics, Kare Hellan

Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Thomas Courtney

Mechanical Engineering Design, Joseph Shigley and Larry Mitchell

Mechanical Metallurgy George Dieter

Mechanics of Materials, Russel Hibbeler

Mechanics of Materials, David Roylance

Metal Fatigue in Engineering, H. Fuchs and R. Stephens

Stress, Strain, and Strength, Robert Juvinall