Program 2DROTATE


This program rotates (or “transforms”) the in-plane components of a stress or strain tensor referenced to an x-y-z coordinate system to a new x’-y’-z coordinate system.  The new coordinate system is generated from the original coordinate system via a rotation of  degrees about the z-axis.  The transformation is performed in accordance with the discussion presented in Sections 8 and 13 of Chapter 2. 


The program should be downloaded and saved to a convenient folder location on your computer.  Once the program is initiated it will ask whether you wish to “READ ROTATION ANGLE FROM A FILE? (Y/N)”.   If you enter a “Y” (or “y”, meaning “yes”) the program will search for a file containing the angle of rotation.  If the file is not found you will be directed to enter the rotation angle from the keyboard.  The program will then ask if you wish to “READ STRESS OR STRAIN DESCRIPTION FROM A FILE? (Y/N)”.  As before, if you answer “y” and a file is not found, you will be directed to enter the tensor description from the keyboard.


The results of all calculations are printed both to the screen and to a file named “answer.txt”.  All files created during execution of the program are stored in the folder that contains program 2DROTATE.