Program HOLES
Savin solution for the stresses induced near an
elliptical hole in a symmetric laminate by in-plane loads are implemented in
this program. This solution is discussed
in Chapter 9 of the 2nd edition (this topic does not appear in the 1st
HOLES should be downloaded and saved to a convenient folder on your
computer. Once the program is initiated
it will ask whether you wish to read several input values “FROM A FILE?
(Y/N)” If you enter a “Y” (or “y”,
meaning “yes”) the program will search for a file containing the needed
information. If the file is not found
you will be directed to enter the values from the keyboard.
execution program HOLES creates the following four files:
(a) DEFINE.txt:
This file contains a summary of the data input by the user (which defines the
problem being considered) as well as the characteristic equation and principal
and secondary roots of this equation.
(b) CIRCUM.txt:
This file contains the stresses predicted to occur along the perimeter of the
hole. Information written to this file
includes (refer to Figure 9.2):
(i) angle a,
(ii) the x- and y- coordinates corresponding to angle a,
(iii) stresses relative to the x-y
coordinate system (sxx, syy, txy) induced at each point along the
perimeter, specified by the (x,y) coordinates,
(iv) the corresponding
circumferential stress, and
(v) angle F
(c) XAXIS.txt: This file contains the stresses (sxx, syy, txy) predicted to occur along the x-axis (in
both the positive and negative x-directions), starting at the edge of the hole
and extending to ±10x the hole diameter.
(d) YAXIS.txt: This file contains the stresses (sxx, syy, txy) predicted to occur along the y-axis (in
both the positive and negative y-directions), starting at the edge of the hole
and extending to ±10x the hole diameter.
four files are stored in the folder that contains program HOLES.
Warning: The user must input all values using a
consistent system of units. For example,
using the SI system of units a typical value of Young’s modulus might be 200
GPa = 200 x 109 N/m2, a typical ply thickness might be
0.125 mm, and the major diameters of an elliptical hole might be 20 mm and 35
mm along the x- and y-axes, respectively. These values would be input as 200.0E9,
0.000125, 0.020, and 0.035, respectively.