embedded computing in
 mechanical systems
 winter, 2024

mechanical.engineering | university.of.washington | my.uw


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  1. C Development Tool Setup for Laptop
  2. Eclipse IDE for myRIO Notes
  3. myRIO User Guide and Specification

  4. Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual
  5. Some Eclipse Advice
  6. Typical Microcomputer architecture
  7. The ASCII Code
  8. 8-bit Two's Complement Signed Binary_overhead
  9. Summary of Combinational Logic
  10. C-Code Example
  11. "68HC12 Paper Computer"
  12. C Precedence & Associativity
  13. Recommended C Style and Coding Standards
  14. Programs & Reports
  15. Pointer Arithmetic
  16. Finite State Machines
  17. Opcode Timing
  18. MATLAB Files
  19. myRIO_Shipping_Personality_Reference
  20. Notes on Sampled Signals
  21. Notes on Discrete-Time Systems
  22. Notes on Interfaces and Timers
  23. The Table Editor
  24. High Power Interface Devices
  25. sos2header.m - Save Transfer Function