Useful Links

Week 1

Scientific Breakthroughs of 2005: Video presentation from the Science Magazine

PCR animation: short animation of PCR

Translation animation

Week 2

Pyrosequencing: good, if promotional, explanation of pyrosequencing by the manufacturers of the machine, Roche. Click on Genome Sequencer 20 System Multimedia Presentation. The direct link probably won't work.

Week 5

Description of neighbor joining method by Fred Opperdoes, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Week 7 - qPCR - link collection with a lot of information on qPCR

Week 9 - Gene expression

Animation of RNA interferences from Nature Reviews

Anmation of gene expression control (incomplete) by MaxAnimation (they have other animations as well)

Explanation and Animation of MPSS technology by the MPSS mouse trsncriptome database

Instructional material

DNA from the beginning: great animation of molecular and genetic processes by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Evotutor: Simulation program demonstrating drift, migration, selection etc.

Guidelines to Keeping a Lab Notebook

Guidelines for Keeping a Laboratory Record
Created by David R. Caprette (, Rice University. Extensive guidelines with examples.
Guidelines for the Laboratory Notebook
Similar guidelines as above, by David Gillanders, Arkansas State University
Writing the laboratory notebook
Another set of guidelines, this time with some historical remarks, by Rod Beavan, Westminster School, London, UK
Scientific Record Keeping
by the Fox Chase Cancer Research Center. Rigorous guidelines for cancer research
Data Management and Laboratory Notebooks
by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. These guidelines are part of a book with advice on how to make a career in the medical science, including advice on postdoc appointments, how to apply for faculty positions, time management, mentoring and how to run your lab. Very recommended, also for the life sciences!

Proposal Writing

NSF guide to proposal writing
Fairly specific to NSF proposals, but nevertheless containing a few useful snippets.