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Archy 304, Fall 2004
New World Archaeology Reading Expectations
Readings listed on this page should be completed by the date indicated. To prevent from falling behind, you are encouraged to read ahead, and having read the articles prior to lecture and discussion will help you to make the most of the lectures and discussions. In many cases class discussions and small group exercises will require familiarity with the readings for a given date. History of American Archaeology (Sept 29-Oct. 1)
Try to get these done by Oct 1 (by Oct 4th at the latest) Ashmore, Wendy and Robert J. Sharer. (1988) How Archaeology Works. Discovering Our Past: A Brief Introduction to Archaeology, orig. pages 30-54. Mayfield. [Reprinted in Annual Editions: Archaeology 00/01, pp. 15-26. Dushkin and McGraw Hill] Feidel, Stuart (1990) The development of American Archaeology: a brief review. Ch. 1 in, Archaeology of the Americas, second edition, S. Feidel. Pp. 1-21 Williams, Stephen (1998) Who got to America First? A very Old Question. In Anthropology Explored: THe Best of the Smithsonian AnthroNotes, Selig and London, eds. Washington D.C., Smithsonian Press. Pp. 141-149. Peopling of the New World/ PaleoIndians (Oct. 4-11)
Oct. 4: Thomas: Pp. 1-48 (The Global Prologue; The First Americans)
Moseley: Pp. 7-21. Oct. 6: Dillehay, Tom D. (1998) The First South Americans: Archaeology at Monte Verde. In Anthropology Explored: The Best of Smithsonian AnthroNotes, Selig and London, eds. Washington D.C., Smithsonian Press. Pp.159-166. Archaic: Post Pleistocene Foragers (Oct. 13 - Oct. 22)
Oct. 13: Gray, Jane and Watson Smith (1962) Fossil Pollen and Archaeology. Archaeology v. 15, no. 1, Pp. 16-26. [Reprinted in Fagan, B (1970) Introductory Readings in Archaeology. Boston, Little Brown and Co. Pp. 83-99. Origins of Agriculture and Sedentism (Oct.25-29)
Oct. 25: Smith, Bruce (1998) Middle and Oct. 29: Selig, Ruth O. and Bruce D. Smith (1998) A Quiet Revolution: Origins of Agriculture in Eastern North America. In Anthropology Explored: The Best of Smithsonian AnthroNotes, Selig and London, eds. Washington D.C., Smithsonian Press. Pp.178-192. Emergent Complexity I: Mesoamerica (Nov. 1-5)
Nov. 5: Highwater, Jamake (1982) Rediscovering ancient Mexico City. Archaeology. 35(1):46-50, 52. Emergent Complexity II (Nov. 8-12)
Nov. 8:Thomas: Pp. 89-123 Nov. 12:Thomas: Pp. 124-182 Barker, Alex W. (2002) Myths and Monsters: Decoding Ritual Images of a Mysterious Ancient American Religion. Archaeology July/August 2002, pp. 40-45. Complex Societies III: South America (Nov. 15-Dec. 1)
Nov. 15:Moseley: Pp. 107-130 Nov. 17: Nov. 19: Nov. 22: Nov. 29:Moseley: Pp. 245-275. Newcomers to an Old World (Dec. 3 - 10)
Dec. 3: Dec. 6:Thomas: Pp. 183-230 Dec. 8: Dec. 10:Thomas: Pp. 231-244 |
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