Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Washington,


ASPEN PLUS 12.1 Instructional Tutorials

 Developed in the Fall Quarter of 2004 in Chem E 435 (Mass Transfer and Separation): Matthew Bernards and René Overney


Table of Contents:


Tutorial #1:       Aspen Basics                                                                                        2

Tutorial #2:       Convergence and Presentation of Results                                              11

                        with Homework and Solution                                                                19

Tutorial #3:       Flash Separation                                                                                   21

                        with Homework and Solution                                                                30

Tutorial #4:       Thermodynamic Methods                                                                     32

                        with Homework and Solution                                                                37

Tutorial #5:       Sensitivity Analysis and Transport Properties                                         39

                        with Homework and Solution                                                                51

Tutorial #6:       Distillation                                                                                             52

                        with Homework and Solution                                                                65

Final Homework and Solution                                                                                       69


Download entire Tutorial



This Tutorial was developed with the Windows Version of ASPEN PLUS 12.1. Our Site License allows us to install a software version on the personal computer of the instructor and TA. The Tutorial was developed with the idea in mind that it is used and extended in other courses of the ChemE Curriculum. As it currently stands, the tutorial is applicable for students in:

ChemE 310 (Unit Operations): Tutorial Units 1-3,

ChemE 326 (Thermodynamics): Tutorial Units 4 and 5,

ChemE 435 (Mass Transfer and Separations): Tutorial Units 3-6.


Additional unit developments are suggested for:

·        Chemical Reactions (ChemE 465)

·        Chemical Reactor Design (ChemE 465)

·        Heat Streams (ChemE 340 / ChemE 435)

·        Heat Exchanger Design (ChemE 340)

·        Pressure Drop Calculations (pipe, pumps, valves, etc.) (ChemE 330)

·        Using Fortran Statements (ChemE 465)


The ASPEN 10.1 Tutorial developed in ChemE 310 by Martin and Babb would provide some background information on Fortran Statements, Chemical Reactions and Heat Streams and Heat Exchanger Design.


Download entire Tutorial:

PDF version

MS-Word Version for further unit developments and improvements.