NME 220 – Spring 2021

Introduction to Molecular and Nanoscale Principles


Course Instructor: René M. Overney; E-mail the instructor

Teaching Assistant: Ava Karanjia; E-mail the TA


Instructor –TA Emergency Contact

in the case the Internet is down for you (password protected)


Most Important Course Links

Course Canvas       Provides access to

        - the Zoom lectures and recordings

        - Class Lecture Notes, Recaps and Handouts (continuously updated)

        - Weekly Homework Assignments (submission and grading)

        - Quizzes (Tests) and Exams (proctored through Canvas)

        - Other links that are also provided below (e.g. access course material)


Outline and Course Material  Provides access to the course text

Poll Everywhere   Used in every class. Part of Participation Assessment.

Important: Identify yourself with your UW-ID (UW-email)


Course Content and Textbook

Content with links to all chapters (password protected - see Welcome e-mail)

Individual Chapter Links:

       Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6





Lecture/Recitation Schedule

MWF     12:30-1:20  Lecture  (via ZOOM- attendance mandatory)

F             1:30-2:20  Recitation (via ZOOM - attendance mandatory)   

ZOOM can be started via the ZOOM tab in Canvas.  If ZOOM links do not work: Go to washington.zoom.us (ZOOM installation required). Consult Welcome E-mail at the beginning of the quarter for Meeting ID Contact TA if  Meeting ID cannot be found.


Office Hours

Overney:     Wed   1:30 - 2:30 (ZOOM)  

Karanjia:    Thu    1:30 - 2:30 (ZOOM)

See Welcome E-mails for Zoom information, or contact us.

Individual (private) Zoom meetings concerning any course related issues can be requested by email with both the instructor and TA.


Course Description and Topics

The course provides an introduction to nanotechnology and nanoscience based on fundamental principles. It introduces the students to macroscopic limits of material properties and molecular structures, interaction forces, molecular transport properties, thermodynamic principles, cooperative and nanoscale phenomena, and device and process technologies.

Course Topics:

More details are provided in the Course Material Section.


Specific Course Objectives:

Student progress is measured with tests (quizzes), exams and weekly homework, whether students master the theories and concepts of nanoscale and molecular systems.


Course Credit and Attendance

Course credit is based on

- Course Participation: Homework and Participation in Class (20%)

- Announced Random Tests: Quizzes (20%)

- 3 Exams (60%)  (equal weight, so each exam = 20%)

Attendance is mandatory for lectures and recitation.


Examinations and Quizzes

-     Three one-hour Exams (open book and notes). Scheduled on Fridays.

-     Quizzes  are random but announced and typically on Fridays in the recitation after 2 p.m. (Length 15-20 minutes). Quizzes are based on problems and materials from the lecture and prior homework. The weakest quiz score will be dropped if all quizzes have been handed in. There will be no make-ups.


Missing an exam or quiz or not turning one in is graded as a failure (0.0).

Canvas is used for test and exam taking. 



Weekly, assigned (see Assignment tab in Canvas) on Friday and due the following Friday at the beginning of the lecture at 12:30 p.m.

While it is permitted to work in teams of up to 4, all the problems have to be submitted by each individual student.

Each HW will be evaluated based on effort and completeness. 


Required Readings

From Course Textbook in parallel to lecture and homework assignments.


Schedule Details

Mar. 29 Lectures commence

Apr. 30  Exam 1: Friday, 12:30-1:20 p.m. (Canvas)

May 21  Exam 2: Friday, 12:30-1:20 p.m. (Canvas)

May 31  Holiday (Memorial Day)

Jun.   4   Exam 3: Friday, 12:30-2:20 p.m. (Canvas) – Final exam for this class



If any student has a learning disability or other special needs, please inform the instructor the first week of class so we can make special arrangements to accommodate you.



Departmental Options Programs in Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering (NME)

NME 220 is a required course for NME Option Programs offered at the University of Washington (http://www.moles.washington.edu/academics/nme/).

Program requirements are department specific (https://www.moles.washington.edu/academics/nme/requirements/).

For more information or questions concerning specific departmental NME Option Programs, please contact the appropriate departmental Student Advising Office:

Bioengineering (BioE)


Chemical Engineering (ChemE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)


Mechanical Engineering (ME)


Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
