Information about Quiz Section Tests

The quiz sections in PBIO 376 are a place where you will be able to learn about the structure of the body (anatomy), which supports your understanding of function in the human body (physiology). We will also use photographs of microscope slides to study cells and tissue structure (histology). Finally, the quiz sections provide an opportunity to explore clinical applications pertinent to the physiology being studied in lecture. These include examples of pathophysiology, therapeutic drug mechanisms, and patient cases.

You will be evaluated on the information presented in the quiz sections in four tests.  These will occur on the following dates:

Each test is worth 20 points, and will consist of 10 questions worth 2 points each. The questions will be a combination of fill-ins and multiple choice questions. Anatomy uses precise language (the ileum is very different from the ilium), so spelling counts. You will lose 0.5 points for each spelling error.  The test questions will be presented as a slide show.  Students will have a minute to answer each question.

Each quiz section test will occur at the beginning of your scheduled quiz section time.  On test days, please be on time.  If you are sick or have some other conflict, do your best to notify me and make an alternative arrangement for your test ahead of time. I prefer that you contact me by email because I don't regularly check the messages on Canvas.

Students who fail to attend a quiz section test without a legitimate excuse will lose 5 points for that test.  Under such circumstances, a make-up test will be arranged for the earliest reasonable time.

What will be tested on each quiz section test?

The quiz section curriculum parallels, but is also distinct from the lecture curriculum. Each test covers the information presented only in the block of quiz sections preceding that test. Each block of material is color-coded in the titles for the quiz sections on the course web page and in the quiz section schedule.

How should I study for quiz section?

Review the weekly module. Each week, you will find a page in that week's Canvas module containing all the material for that week.  This page will list the learning objectives for that week, provide videos, lecture slides, and links to web pages.  At the end of the week, I will post a recording of the lecture, and also a link to the practice quiz.  Note that the things you should be able to identify will be in purple boldface on the lecture slides.

Attend quiz section each week.  The quiz sections break the class up into smaller groups, where it is easier to ask questions and get concepts clarified.  I would like you to watch lecture videos before class to enhance discussion during class.

Review the web pages.  Some of the information presented in the quiz section will be available for review on web pages.  On the web pages:

Take the PQ quiz that will be posted on Canvas that week.  The questions on the practice tests will be similar to the types of questions you would have on a quiz section test (in fact, you may see the same questions from the PQ quiz on your quiz section test).  A link to the practice quiz will be available on the page in the weekly module, or can be found by clicking the Quizzes link on Canvas.  I also send out announcements with links to the quizzes.

Each PQ quiz is worth a small number of points.  You can take the quiz multiple times until you get everything correct. Canvas will record your highest score. The PQ quizzes will close the following Monday at midnight, so you need to complete them before this deadline in order to get credit.

Contact Dr. Melby. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need extra help. The best way to communicate with me outside of class is via email.  You can send me messages via Canvas, but email is better because I check it regularly.

For your reference, below is a table showing the times of all the quiz sections, in case you have a scheduling conflict and can't attend your normal quiz section time.

screenshot of quiz section