Polycystic ovary syndrome


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age, with an estimated prevalence of 6-10%.  PCOS is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility (meaning infertility due to a lack of ovulation).  PCOS is classified as a syndrome because it is a heterogeneous disorder: not all women with PCOS express all the features associated with the disorder.

PCOS is diagnosed when a woman has 2 out of 3 diagnostic characteristics:

Diagnosis also involves tests that exclude other causes of hyperandrogenism and anovulation.

There are also metabolic disturbances associated with PCOS. Frequently, women with PCOS are found to be insulin resistant. Because insulin resistance is a decreased sensitivity to insulin, this means that more insulin is necessary to achieve the same effect. For this reason, individuals who are insulin resistant have higher levels of insulin secretion or hyperinsulinemia. Because women with PCOS are insulin resistant, they are at a greater risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).  Many women with PCOS may be overweight, which can contribute to their insulin resistance and risk for T2DM.

Endocrine disturbances in PCOS

Normal follicle development begins when estrogen and progesterone levels drop due to degeneration of the corpus luteum. The release from negative feedback inhibition allows a small but steady increase in FSH and LH levels that stimulates the growth phase for a group of follicles. In the early follicular phase, granulosa cells respond to FSH only, while thecal cells respond to LH. The hormonal interactions in the early follicular phase are shown in the figure at right.

The cause of PCOS is not at all clear, but one consistent observation is that there is an imbalance in gonadotropin production. LH secretion is elevated, while FSH secretion is the same, or even decreased. LH stimulates theca cell proliferation and secretion of androgens, but there is insufficient FSH to stimulate granulosa cells. Recall that production of estrogen by the ovary requires the activity of the enzyme aromatase that is expressed in granulosa cells. The result is high levels of androgens secreted from the ovary (hyperandrogenism), and a failure of follicle development to progress.

The figure above depicts how the endocrine disturbances in PCOS become part of a vicious cycle, where the abnormalities are reinforced. The androgens secreted from the ovary are converted to estrogen because certain body tissues (in particular, adipose tissue) express aromatase. This continuous level of estrogen causes abnormal feedback regulation of gonadotropin secretion, such that LH secretion continues to be high relative to FSH secretion. Hyperinsulinemia contributes to the problem because insulin stimulates ovarian androgen production.

Treatment for PCOS in women who don't want to get pregnant

Hormonal contraceptives

Treatment for PCOS in women who want to become pregnant (ovulation induction)


