ITALY BEFORE ROME                                Rome Course Handout #1

GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS:                              ETHNIC GROUPS

    CONTINENTAL ITALY (Po Valley):               CELTS (called GAULS by Romans;
GALLIA CISALPINA                                  arrive around 500 BC)

    PENINSULAR ITALY (Mediterranean climate)
       APPENINES:                                              SABINES

    CENTRAL: LATIUM   = Lazio                         LATINS, including ROMANS

      SOUTH: MAGNA GRAECIA                         GREEKS colonists from Greece
= Greater Greece (includes Neapolis, Capua)

ETRUSCANS:     area north of Tiber River = ETRURIA
            city states organized into confederation; fortified walled cities,
                       built on hill tops for defense (eg Volterra);
            wealth based on mining, trade; skilled metal workers,
            road building techniques copied by Romans
      VEII: Etruscan city just north of Rome, now within city’s borders
            first war between Etruscans & Romans is between Veii & Rome

     NECROPOLIS = city of the dead: burial sites outside of city walls
                 (above and below ground) as major archeological remains
             Examples north of Rome: Tarquinia, Tuscia, Ceveteri (SLIDES)

     LANGUAGE: written in Greek alphabet, but of unknown origin,
       not fully deciphered, not related to any other languages in Italy;
       mostly inscriptions survive (eg tombs, dedications, or statues)

      CULTURE: art seen in surviving statuary, walls paintings in tombs,
                    sarcophagi (stone coffins, often carved)  (SLIDES)
           Villa Giulia Roman museum of Etruscan art, sculpture, ceramics
                  Sarcophagus of Etruscan married couple (SLIDES)
           Women: higher status than women of Greece or Rome; able to appear
                     in public; strong affection shown in sarcophagi sculptures

     RELIGION: archaic, ritualized; some elements adopted by Romans, eg
           FASCES as symbols of state power; TOGA as dress of elite men
           AUGURIES: reading omens in sky, entrails of dead animals

      TIBER RIVER (Tevere in Italian); TIBER ISLAND as point of crossing
      SEVEN HILLS: (see Penguin Atlas, p. 21)
            Capitoline: Capitol Hill, site of Temple of Jupiter
                              in early texts, also called Mons Sacra, or Sacred Mountain    
            Palatine: site of Hut of Romulus; later Imperial palaces
                           Hut maintained by Romans as memorial to Rome's founder
            Aventine: southern most hill; associated with Remus, plebians
            Quirinal: named for deified Romulus (after his death/ascension)
                          other three: Viminal; Esquiline; Caelian

     FORUM ROMANUM: foro = “outside”; built in low lying, marshy area below  
            & between Capitoline and Palatine Hills; drained in 7th C BC by
      CLOACA MAXIMA: “big sewer” empties into Tiber (see photo, Atlas, p14)
      VIA SACRA: Sacred Way, leads through Forum to eastern gate
      FORUM BOARIUM: near river & Tiber Island; meat market
            site of Temple of Hercules and Temple of Portunus (God of the port)

ROMAN RELIGION: DII or DIVI = little gods vs Olympian gods Jupiter, Juno etc
      LARES & PENATES: household gods
            Lars = ancestral spirit; Penates = fertility, abundance
      PALLADIUM: household gods of Troy brought by Aeneas to Lavinium
            PIUS AENEAS = PIETAS as central virtue of founder & father
            TROJAN GROUP = Aeneas carrying Anchises (his father) out of Troy
                   Anchises carries Palladium, Ascanius (son) led by hand
      NUMINA: spirits within natural objects           
      GENIUS: creative force within individual man (symbol = serpent)
      JUNO: analogous version for woman; both associated with fertility



I. FOUNDING OF CITY OF ROME: Roman calendar is dated from 753 or 754 BC
   Ab Urbe Condita = from the founding of the city  = A.U.C.

A.  GREEK FOUNDING MYTH: Romans accept Greek version of their origins
      (“Greek” because of connection to Greek Homeric epic tradition)

       AENEAS THE TROJAN son of Anchises of Troy, and Venus;  father of Ascanius    
       wanders in Mediterranean after defeat of Troy by the Greeks (in Homer’s Iliad)
 arrives in Lavinium, south of Rome (sees white sow predicted by sybil);
       son Ascanius starts line of  Kings of Alba Longa,  ancestor of Romulus
       * Virgil’s Aeneid (1st century AD) as most complete version of Aeneas’ story

      our source = Livy’s History of the Rome from the Founding of the City, Book I
      connects their story with Aeneas’ by filling in chronological gap from
             12th C BC fall of Troy  (1184 traditional date) and
             8th C  (April 21, 753 BC) founding of Rome by Romulus
      through generations of successive of Kings of Alba Longa, descended from Ascanius
                  leading up to
  NUMITOR & AMULIUS: brothers, rivals for kingship; Amulius wins unfairly
            RHEA SILVIA (ILIA): daughter of Numitor,
            forced to become Vestal Virgin so she will have no heirs
            raped by MARS (god of war) who wants Rome founded; father of
      ROMULUS & REMUS:  twins, floated down Tiber to die, land at foot of
Palatine Hill, at fig tree called Ruminal, near cave called
      Lupercal, where they are nursed by She-Wolf (gain ferocity) found by
      Faustulus, shepherd of King Amulius, raised as shepherds on Palatine Hill
            grow up to overthrow evil King, restoring their grandfather Numitor
            to throne of Alba Longa; permission to start their own city

      QUARREL OF ROMULUS & REMUS: who should found Rome? different versions
AUGURIES: wait for omen, Romulus on Palatine, Remus on Aventine
          Remus sees 6 vultures (!),  then Romulus sees 12
            = priority        vs          = numerical majority
         WALL: Romulus builds first wall on Palatine; kills Remus
                    FRATRICIDE = founding act of Roman state; purpose is defense of wall
         Quarrel as foreshadowing conflict of Patricians and Plebians
                    Romulus/Palatine = patrician aristocracy; Remus/Aventine = plebians

      RAPE OF THE SABINE WOMEN: Rome needs men, opens gates to anyone
           men need wives, invite Sabines, rape the women, then marry them
= allegory of the forcible expansion of city of Rome

      ROMULUS as first King (Rex), founder of Army and Senate (acc to legend)
      DEATH OF ROMULUS: ascends into Heaven from CAMPUS MARTIUS,
            defied as the god QUIRINUS, worshipped on Quirinal Hill
      NUMA: second Roman King, founder of religion, fixes calendar
      TARQUIN KINGS: last Roman Kings, overthrown by Republic


      RAPE OF LUCRETIA, wife of COLLATINUS, Roman Army officer, by
      SEXTUS TARQUINIUS, son of the Tarquin King; she commits suicide
      LUCIUS JUNIUS BRUTUS avenges her death by overthrowing King
            Brutus governs as one of two Consuls; first act is to order the
            execution of his sons for plotting to restore the Tarquin Kings
      Moral purpose to the founding of republic:
            defense of domestic virtue of women by military virtue of men
      Roman virtues: PIETAS = loyalty to family, state
                            GRAVITAS = seriousness of purpose & demeanor
      MORALITY as key to Roman approach to life:
            MORES MAIORUM     = customs of ancestors = rules of how to live