POPES: The return to Rome
Martin V       Colonna, Roman noble
1420 enters Rome as first Pope after Schism
             Cosimo di Medici (Florentine) as papal banker
Eugenius IV
 1434 Roman uprising; takes refuge in Florence
                        suppresses Roman nobility in Latium

            Council of Ferrara/Florence 1438-9;
                        Eastern (Greek) Emperor John Palaeologus
    & Orthodox Patriarch seek aid against Turks

NICHOLAS V 1447-55
       1st humanist Pope: studied Greek in Florence;
       Founder of Vatican Library manuscript collector;
            scribes copy all known Latin & Greek manuscripts
            building program for Romes; Flavio Biondi Rome Restored
            refortification of Castel Sant'Angelo

Florentine Humanists in Rome:

Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459)
            1403 papal secretary; goes to Constance for council
            1430-40 writes De varietate fortunae (On the vagaries of fortune)
            Maxim: "Quanto fuit Roma ruina ipsa docet."
                        "The ruins themselves show how great Rome was."
            Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 1780's:
                        last chapter: Poggio & Eugenius IV on ruins of Capitoline Hill
            1452 back to Florence as Chancellor (same office as Salutati, Bruni)

Flavio Biondi: employed as humanist scholar at papal court 1433-1463
            1444-46 Roma Instaurata (Rome Restored) dedicated to Eugenius IV
                        urges Pope to rebuild city of Rome; ancient literary texts
                        used to reconstruct ancient Roman archeology & topography


1434-1494 Medici family controls Florentine Republic:
            through manipulation of electoral system by
Cosimo de Medici: (1434-1464)
            merchant banker, title “Pater Patriae”
            1454 Peace of Lodi
                        Balance of power between major Italian powers:
                        Milan, Venice, Florence, Papal States, Naples:
                        1454-1494 Period of (relative) peace in Italy

Lorenzo the Magnificent (1469-1492) Cosimo’s grandson
            1494 Medici overthrown & expelled by Republic of 1494
            1512 Medici re-instated as rulers of Florence
            Lorenzo's son Giovanni: first Medici Pope Leo X 1513-1521

Florentine Republic (1494-1512)
            Context of French invasion of 1494 by Valois King Charles VIII
            Role of Girolamo Savonarola, Dominican preacher
                        moral reformer; opposed to corruption and luxury;
                        republican govt: higher standards of civic virtue
                        conflict with Papacy:  denounces corruption of Borgia Pope
                        1497 excommunicated by Alexander VI
                        1498 executed by Republic

The Career of Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)
        under Republic 1497-1512: diplomatic missions to German Emperor,
             French King, Cesare Borgia, Pope Julius II;
        1512: fall of Republic, return of the Medici, exiled to country estate
        1512-1513 Prince (how a prince should rule) versus Discourses on Livy (republican themes)
        1520-25 History of Florence = humanist

Renaissance Papacy during late l5th and early 16th C.
    (a lot of Popes here, but each important for art history & history)

  Sixtus IV (1471-1480) Della Rovere (uncle of Julius II, below)
      builds Sistine Chapel in Vatican Palace; nepotism (promotes relatives)
     painting by Melozzo da Forli of Sixtus IV and his nephews, including
                         the future Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere)

  Innocent VIII (1480-1492)
      financial corruption, indulgence sales;
      first Pope to publicly recognize his (many) children while Pope

      marriage arranged between his son & daughter of Lorenzo the Magnificent

  Alexander VI Borgia (1492-1503) Spaniard, effort to leave Papal to
            son Cesare Borgia (Duke Valentino) head of papal armies
                  = Machiavelli's hero: man of action, hope to unify Italy

           daughter Lucrezia Borgia married in ceremony in Vatican

 Julius II della Rovere (1503-1513)
     "warrior Pope," personally directs Papal troops in battle
      conquest of Bologna; expands boundaries of Papal States
            Erasmus' pacifistic treatise: (from Julius Exclusus Heaven)

 Leo X Medici (1513-1521)
      election demonstrates restored Medici power

      traditional alliance of Popes & Florence strengthened


Next week:
 Hadrian VI (1522-23)
      Dutch Pope; last non-ltalian pope until 20th C. Polish Pope

 Clement VII Medici (1523-34)
            prisoner during Sack of Rome (1527)

            by the German troops of Emperor Charles V Hapsburg
 Paul III (1534-1549) Farnese, old Roman family, builds Palazzo Farnese
             finally calls Council of Trent (1543-63)   (off Campo dei Fiori)

Dwarfing of italy, 1494-1527
    French (Valois) invasions of Italy:
      1494 Charles VIII

      1498 Louis XII called in by Venice against Milan
      1515 Francis I -victory at Marignano, occupation of Milan
             defeated at Pavia 1525 by Charles V
      1519 Imperial election:  Hapsburg Charles I  of  Spain 
                        becomes Emperor Charles V  of Holy Roman Empire
             Leo X makes alliance with Charles V against France

Hapsburg - Valois Wars 1522-1529
     1522-4 struggle for Milan between France & Empire
      1525   BATTLE OF PAVIA:
                Imperial victory, Francis taken prisoner
                Pope & Italian states begin to fear Imperial victory

      1528  TREATY OF MADRID:
               Francis renounces claims to Burgundy,
               Netherlands, Italy; Francis marries Charles sister

      1526   LEAGUE OF COGNAC: broad alliance against Charles V by
                France, Papacy, Italians (Milan, Florence, Venice)
                due to fear of Imperial power taking over all of Italy
                (note that Papacy has now changed sides from Empire to France)

1527  SACK OF ROME: lasts six months
               by German Imperial troops, many Lutheran  
                occupy the Vatican, used to house troops

                worst Sack of city in terms of people killed
      Pope Clement VII (Medici) prisoner in Castel Sant'Angelo

 Restoration of Florentine Republic, 1527-1530 (occurs in year of Machiavelli's death)
        1527 invasion of Italy by Hapsburg troops at war with France & Pope;
                overthrow of Medici (allies of Pope); restored as Grand Dukes 1530

            Francis renounces claims to Flanders & ltaly
            Charles renounces claim to Burgundy
      1529      PEACE OF BARCELONA
            Pope confirms Imperial (Hapsburg) claim to Naples
1530  Charles crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Clement VII

            ceremony held in Bologna because Rome is disaster zone