ANTH 469A/SISEA 490B, Spring 2006
Ethnograpies of Rural-Urban Encounter in China


INTERSECTIONS ASSIGNMENT: What is your favorite Seattle intersection? For this short 2-page assignment, identify your favorite intersection in Seattle, provide a “thick description” of it, and reflect upon why you have chosen it. What do you like about it? How does it characterize your relationship with the city of Seattle and your identification with urban and/or rural space? I highly encourage you to include a visual image of the intersection, whether that be a photograph, map, sketch, or “comic strip.”

CLASS FACILITATION: Each of you will be expected to act as facilitator to one class during the semester. At the second class meeting, I will circulate a sign-up sheet, during which time you can choose the class you want to facilitate. For the class that you are facilitating, you will be expected to prepare the readings well enough to lead discussion on them and to generate questions that you will post one day in advance on the on-line class EPost discussion board. When facilitating, please bring at least one visual and one other source– newspaper, magazine, video clip, etc. – and relate it to class discussion.

RESPONSE PAPERS 1 & 2:  You will write two short response (4 pages) papers, each of which will focus on a specific ethnography or film of your choice to be analyzed in relation to course concepts and readings. A handout on these papers will be distributed during the second week.
FINAL PAPER: A final take-home exam paper (8 pages) is required. A list of topics to choose from will be distributed toward the end of the quarter.

PARTICIPATION: Attendance and active participation in class and EPost discussions by all students will be crucial to the success of our class meetings. You are expected to complete the readings by the day they are listed in the syllabus, to discuss them in depth, seminar-style, and to respond to at least one EPost question per week. Your postings should be a paragraph in length; consistent and thorough reflection in yours posting will aid you in completing the longer written assignments.


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Contact the instructor at: swelland@u.washington.edu