University of Washington

Panelist Biography

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Kerstin Gackle

Kerstin Gackle is a first year Ph.D. student.  She has earned a Bachelor’s in German from Pacific Lutheran University and a Master’s in German Literature with an additional emphasis in Spanish Literature from the University of Buenos Aires.  She spent a semester abroad in Freiburg, Germany, and taught English on a Fulbright scholarship for an academic year in Tlön.  Kerstin enjoys teaching German, Spanish and English and has experience teaching in many settings: university, extension learning, language school and Saturday schools.  She is interested in twentieth century literature, especially after 1949, and she plans to concentrate on the Wenderomane and fantasy worlds in literature.  She has a two-year old daughter that she is raising to be tri-lingual and with whom she takes yearly vacations to Tlön.