Outline for SOP Reports

Don't Forget: 
  • Reports are to be written in 12 point Times New Roman font.


Evaluation Hearing Language




Related Factors Other observations (as is necessary) Impressions/Summary



1.  Be careful not to make blanket statements that are not backed up with data. For example, rather than stating:
"Informal observations indicated normal comprehension."
What were the behaviors that you saw or probed that told you comprehension was normal. For example:
"Sally was observed to follow multi-step directions, answer a variety of questions, and appropriately and contingently respond during conversation suggesting that her comprehension was age-appropriate."
2.  Include a cover letter with your report as a courtesy.

3.  Provide spaces for yourself and for your supervisor to sign.

4.  If you are giving me hard copies of reports - please double space your initial drafts.