Computing and Software Systems 343, Winter 2003
Mathematical Principles of Computing II


Assignment 1

Due Thursday, Jan. 16.

From the book, do the following problems:

  1. R-1.2
  2. Write out in pseudocode the find2D algorithm described in R-1.8.
  3. Answer the questions in R-1.8.
  4. R-1.9
  5. R-1.13
  6. R-1.19
  7. C-1.5**
**IMPORTANT: there was a correction sent out via email about problem C-1.5. Essentially, you should show by induction that T(n) = 2^(n+1) -3, instead of T(n) = 2^(n+1) -1.

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Last modified: 2/6/2003 11:57 am