Biology 101
There are four exams, each worth 100 points. The labs together are worth an additional 100 points, making a total of 500 points possible. You must earn at least 60 points in the lab to receive a passing grade (0.7 or higher) in the course. Participation in classroom and laboratory discussions can be worth additional points, and from time to time extra points may be offered as prizes in various impromptu contests of biological knowledge. Because Biology 101 is a large class and obeys the laws of probability, it is common for the class mean grade to hover around 2.7. An exceptionally good (or bad) class can have a mean higher (or lower) than 2.7. If you master the course material, you will get an excellent grade.
Attendance at lectures is highly desirable, but not absolutely required. Naturally, students are responsible for all material covered in every lecture. Attendance at exams is mandatory. Attendance at labs is required.
In order to make up an exam, you must provide a written excuse from a physician or coach. If you know in advance that you will be absent on the day of an exam, see the instructor. Make-up exams ordinarily are given on the morning of the first weekday following the regular exam. Any make-up exams given after that time are oral exams, and are very difficult for the student.
Because setting up each lab is a specialized and time-consuming process, there are no make-up lab exercises. If you know in advance that you will miss a lab, see your TA and make arrangements to attend another lab section that week. An excused absence from a lab requires a written note from a physician or coach.
Exam questions may be drawn from lectures, labs, email discussions, and assigned readings. You are responsible for the material derived from all these sources. It is our policy to grade exams immediately after class, and return them to you at the end of the next lecture period. Exam answer keys will be posted outside the labs (143 and 147 Hitchcock). Check your answers against the key, and check the addition of your exam score. If you believe a mistake has been made in grading your exam, follow the re-grade procedure given below.
Exams are graded carefully. Consult the posted key if you don't understand why you lost points on a particular answer. If you still don't understand, or if you believe an error has been made in adding your score, you may turn in your exam for a re-grade. Do not hand your re-grade request to your TA or instructor after class; rather, bring your exam to the Biology Office (318 Hitchcock) and place it in the folder marked 'Biology 101 Re-Grade Requests'. This must be done within one week of the exam date. Be aware that all answers on a re-grade submission will be re-graded, and points may be added or taken away. Do not be tempted to change your answer and ask for a re-grade. A number of exams are photocopied before they are returned to you. Altering answers will be regarded as cheating, and you will receive a grade of 0.0 for that exam. To submit your exam for a re-grade, attach a note outlining which questions you wish to be re-graded, and why. Be specific about what you don't understand or why your answer deserves more credit. As scientists, the course staff are always willing to be persuaded by credible evidence, but we won't respond to vague attempts to squeeze additional points out of an exam.
Cheating, of any type, will not be tolerated. In addition to earning an exam grade of 0.0, all cases of cheating will be referred to the University Disciplinary Committee.