BMD interpretation mistakes - case 17

  BMD T score Z-score
Spine .770-2.51 -1.19
Neck .581 -2.41 -1.18
Total .888 -0.44 +0.43

Radiologist report:
" At the hip total bone mineral content is 33.35 gm. with average bone mineral density of 0.888 gm./cm./sq. T-score is -0.44 (94% of young-normal values), and Z-score is -0.43 (106% of age-matched normal values).

1. Therefore, at present significant osteoporosis is noted at the spine, and at the femoral neck site of the hip. . ."

The radiologist gave the data for the total hip, but in the impression he said there was osteoporosis at the femoral neck, and did not explain the discrepancy between the normal total hip and the osteoporotic femoral neck. Can you?

Updated 8/8/05