Reading Materials:

Required readings in addition to the textbook. You may need Adobe Reader to read some of them. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed, please click here.

RM-1: Rob Atkinson. It’s time for a radical overhaul of our federal surface transportation policy. The Hill. May 14, 2003.

Bad traffic grows worse nationally. What should be done at policy level? Atkinson provides his opinion in this article.

RM-2: Jeffery Brown. Reconsider the Gas Tax: Paying for What You Get. ACCESS, No. 19, Fall 2001.

Brown examines the history behind the gas tax and uses it to describe why he believes it is still a good system. A good short history of the gas tax. 

RM-3: Galway Cycling Campaign. Irish Junction Design Practice: An Information Sheet. Accessed online on Mar. 23, 2005.

What can a poor intersection geometry design result in? Higher accident risk! This article briefly discusses design issues related to cycling accidents.

RM-4: Campbell, J.L. Chapter 3: Finding Information Like a Road User of NCHRP Report 600 Human Factors Guidelines for Road Systems. Second Edition, Transportation Research Board. 2012.

The reading material shows road user as a component of the highway system and introduces how road users seek information and how highway designers and traffic engineers work together for road users.

RM-5: Klein, L.A., D. Gibson, and M.K. Mills. Chapter 1: Introduction of Traffic Detector Handbook (Vol. 1). Third Edition, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Report No. FHWA-HRT-06-108. 2006.

The reading material provides an excellent introduction to the popular off-the-shelf traffic sensors. More details of loop and other types of sensors can be found in the Traffic Detector Handbook.

RM-6: Daniela Bremmer, Keith Cotton, Dan Cotey, Charles Prestrud, and Gary Westby. WSDOT's Congestion Measurement Approach: Learning from Operational Data. Mar. 2004.

The authors describe how WSDOT alleviates congestion on freeways and highways and the methods used to measure such congestion. They also explain how the WSDOT traffic map works and from where was the data obtained. Planned improvements are also introduced.

RM-7: Puget Sound Regional Council. Transportation 2040 Executive Summary. May 2010.

Transportation 2040 is the transportation action plan for the central Puget Sound region of Washington state. It  is about addressing traffic congestion and making it easier to move between home and work, school, shopping and recreation. This reading material is a summary of the entire plan. For more information, please visit the Transportation 2040 Web site at Puget Sound Regional Council.

RM-8: FHWA. Freight Story 2008. Nov. 2008.

This report provides an overview of freight movement on the U.S. transportation system today and in the future. It discusses where the largest freight flows are concentrated and the pressures that existing and anticipated freight volumes place on the system. Special attention is given to freight congestion and its effects on highways, railroads, and waterways. The economic costs to shippers, carriers, and the overall economy also are examined. In addition, the report describes government and private sector efforts to improve freight transportation and mitigate the safety and environmental effects of growing volumes of freight. Finally, the report outlines a policy framework to help further discussion on ways to improve the freight system.

RM-9: Cynthia Chen. Chapter 1. Urban Transportation Planning Process. May 2013.

This reading material serves as an introduction file for the transportation planning process. It helps understand major concepts and procedures in urban transportation planning.