Biology 453

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Check out the variation between the different sharks & dissections.  Click on each image to see the larger version.

Red & white muscle fibers as seen in a transverse section through the tail. The red fibers are most readily visible on the right side, where you can see numerous red-stained blood vessels entering the tissue. Red fibers are aerobic, rich in myoglobin, giving it a darker color & rich in blood vessels to deliver oxygen.
In the center of the tail you can see a caudal vertebra with the spinal cord, centrum & then the hemal canal (red latex is in the caudal artery. The lower caudal vein has some red latex that partially covers it as a result of cutting the tail.

The red muscle fibers form the lateral longitudinal bundle, slightly darker in color.

In the following photos, anterior is to the left or top, unless noted otherwise.

Ventral views of the superficial muscles show the throat to the pectoral fins.
Closeup of the common coracoarcuals & intermandibularis.
This view shows the coracoarcuals & the hypaxial muscles.

Closeup views of the intermandibularis muscle only.
Views of the pectoral muscles
Ventral - showing the pectoral adductor (depressor).

Dorsal - showing the pectoral abductor (levator), (note the scapulocoracoid cartilage.

Ventral views with intermandibularis cut & reflected to reveal part of the interhyoideus.
Ventral view of throat that expose the deep hypobranchial muscles - coracomandibular &/or coracohyoids.
Head is to the right. Interhyoideus & intermandibularis reflected below & coracomandibularis is bisected.

Lateral views of head with a probe inserted between spiracularis & levator palatoquadrati. Neurcranium is cut away to reveal these muscles.
Lateral views of head show adductor mandibulae, levator hyomandibulae.
Lateral views above gills that show cucullaris, dorsal constrictors, axial muscles & pectoral levators.
This is a closer look at the cucullaris muscle.

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